El Salvador

 February 16, 2024

Negotiations in the securities market reported an increase of 66.4% in 2023 with a traded amount that reached $4,817.4 million, according to the Superintendence of the Financial System (SSF).

The last bulletin published by the institution indicates that the repo market had one of the highest increases between 2022 and 2023, going from $1,049.5 million to $1,917.7 million, with an increase of 82.7%.

This was followed by the primary fixed and variable income sector, which went from $848.6 million in 2022 to $1,520.3 million for 2023, equivalent to a growth of 79.2%.

The SSF assures that both the secondary and stock markets reported a 25.7% and 36.4% decrease in the amounts traded in the last year.
A record.
The executive director of the El Salvador Stock Exchange (BVES), Valentín Arrieta, described 2023 as a record year for the stock market. The dynamism was linked, in part, to the upward trend of the primary market, investment certificates, securitization and closed-end investment funds.

The BVES spokesman recalled that the securitization figure dates back more than 13 years, and since then more than $2,000 million have been placed in the primary market through this tool. Last year alone, more than $243 million were placed in this sector, led by vertical projects, shopping centers and corporate developments.


 February 16, 2024

President Javier Milei decided to eliminate "some trust funds that represent half a point of the GDP", announced this Friday the presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni. This removal represents some u$s2,000 million. "We appeal to politics to understand that transparency is above all else", he launched in his press conference at Casa Rosada.

According to the spokesman, these funds "lack transparency and represent half a point of the product, around u$s2,000 million". "We are going to put an end to these funds," Adorni said.

In televised statements made this week, the libertarian president revealed the strategy of legislating by decree after the failure of the omnibus law. Within this framework, trusts or trust funds would be one of the main objectives: "Have no doubt. I am going to put an end to all the black boxes in politics".

The Bases project, which did not pass the filter of the Chamber of Deputies and which resulted in the withdrawal and return to commissions of the regulation, granted Milei the possibility of "transforming, modifying, unifying or eliminating specific allocations, trusts or public trust funds created by norms with legal rank, including those destined to subsidies, reviewing their origin and destination to achieve greater rationality, efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and control of the use of public resources".



Seven measures are proposed to generate dollars

 February 16, 2024

In view of the shortage of dollars in the domestic market, seven short-term measures are proposed to generate U.S. currency, which is putting the industrial sector and the entire national productive apparatus on edge. The liberalization of exports, the elimination of the Financial Transaction Tax, the streamlining of procedures at the Foreign Trade Single Window and at the National Agricultural Health and Food Safety Service, allowing the free sale of foreign currency in the parallel market, the approval of foreign credits and the issuance of bonds.
The domestic market is facing a critical situation due to the lack of U.S. currency, in spite of the declarations of the authorities that everything is returning to normal, but the banks continue with the restriction in the sale and must acquire them in the parallel market, at a higher value than the official exchange rate.
In this context, the National Chamber of Industries (CNI) and the Bolivian Institute of Foreign Trade (Ibce) propose short-term measures to generate the currency. Both entities agree that it is necessary to free exports and eliminate the Financial Transaction Tax (ITF).
But also, CNI suggests streamlining and simplifying processes at the National Agricultural Health and Food Safety Service (Senasag), speeding up procedures at the Foreign Trade Single Window (Vuce)..

El Salvador Report highlights


The failed negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the collapse of BTC prices in the midst of what is called a new "crypto-winter" have configured a significantly complex scenario. In this context, the government has decided to repurchase its sovereign bonds maturing between 2023 and 2025 to alleviate the payment landscape.


Although the outlook does not look promising, at the end of July, Nayib Bukele affirmed that his government has the necessary liquidity to face the country's maturities and, in this sense, sent two proposals to the Legislative Assembly to repurchase the country's debt until 2025.


 February 15, 2024

At the end of January 2024, the total assets of the Venezuelan banking system amounted to Bs 331.66 billion ($9.16 billion), showing a year-on-year variation of +24.49%. This increase was materialized in the following items: loan portfolio (+93.82%) and cash and cash equivalents (+37.22%).

The loan portfolio recorded a value of $1.47 billion, representing 16.00% of total assets. The portfolio delinquency rate decreased by 1.20 percentage points to 1.97%. The allowance for loan losses on the gross immobilized portfolio, on the other hand, grew by 35.67 percentage points, showing a coverage indicator of 239.12%.

Liabilities increased by 30.63% with respect to the same period of the previous year, amounting to Bs 262.27 billion ($7.24 billion). Net equity was Bs 68.26 billion ($1.89 billion), an increase of 7.92% with respect to the same period of 2023, maintaining a balance sheet weight of 20.58%.

As for the year-on-year evolution of the credit accounts, microcredits increased 57.90%, no loans were granted to the tourism sector and loans to the manufacturing activity decreased 0.68%. The agri-food portfolio recorded an increase of 93.05%



Russia lifts veto on Ecuadorian banana exporters

 February 16, 2024

The Foreign Ministry of Ecuador informed on Friday, February 16 that the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Control of Russia has lifted restrictions on five Ecuadorian banana exporters. In a video shared by the Foreign Ministry, Juan Fernando Holguin Flores, Ecuador's ambassador to Russia, said that this decision "is a sign of the importance of the dialogue that should exist at all times between two countries".

The day before, Ecuador's Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that a mission of authorities would travel to Russia to discuss the suspension of the Ecuadorian companies. A suspension in the midst of a diplomatic impasse On February 2, the Russian phytosanitary authority asked Ecuador's Minister of Agriculture, Franklin Palacios, to suspend five banana exporters. Russia alleged systematic detection of the Megaselia scalaris fly, known as the cholera-carrying humpback fly, in Ecuadorian bananas. This is a pest "considered dangerous for Russia and the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union". This veto affected 25% of total exports of the fruit to Russia, which is the main destination of Ecuadorian bananas.


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El Salvador

 August 31, 2022

Bancoagrícola's Vice President of Finance, Alexander Pinilla, affirmed that the liquidity of the Salvadoran financial system remained positive in the first half of 2022. In this sense, Pinilla said that deposits in the Salvadoran financial system would continue to grow in the second half of 2022; however, he indicated that the growth rate of deposits would slow down. In this context, in the second quarter of 2022, Bancoagrícola's total deposits increased to USD 16.5 billion, while loans reached USD 15.5 billion.


 August 31, 2022

Argentina's Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, managed to close his first month in office with a debt placement of ARS 212,236 million. On Monday, in the second tender of August, the Secretary of Finance offered a bid for four securities maturing in 2022 and 2023. In this tender, the Treasury issued a Liquidity Bill (LELITE) maturing on September 30th, 2022; in addition, two discount bills (LEDE) maturing on December 16th, 2022, and January 31th, 2023, and an inflation-adjusted bill (CER) maturing on June 16th, 2023.


 August 31, 2022

On Tuesday, Bolivia's President Luis Arce announced that he had approved the acquisition of USD 1,142 million in debt. According to studies, the country's external and internal indebtedness is currently at least 78.8% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In detail, about 12 decrees were authorized by the Bolivian government to acquire debt contracts with the CAF, IDB, Fonplata, ICO, Eximba, KfW, and IFAD; to boost employment, health, water and sanitation, irrigation, climate change, roads, and energy projects, and to strengthen the State's statistical system and other public investment projects. 

Costa Rica Report highlights


Although one of the "leitmotifs" of former President Alvarado Quesada was to leave the "house in order," this has been questioned by various political sectors, including the new President and economist, Rodrigo Chaves. 

Administration of Rodrigo Chaves announced on June 22nd, 2022, the modification of the fiscal rule. This occurred after the National Child Welfare Agency (PANI) authorities raised alerts due to the restrictions to urgently allocate resources to private organizations that care for vulnerable minors since they denounced that they would run out of money to operate after June 30th.


 August 31, 2022

On Monday, the Presidents of the nations that make up the Andean Community (CAN) - Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia - said they would like Venezuela, Chile, and Argentina to join the group. "If we manage to integrate Chile, Venezuela, and Argentina... I think this would change things significantly, and our voice would be heard more clearly on the world stage," said the Colombian President, Gustavo Petro. "I would like to express how important it would be for the Andean Community, and the benefits for its members, for Chile and Venezuela to rejoin," said the Peruvian President, Pedro Castillo. 



 August 31, 2022

The preparation of the General State Budget for 2023 will begin in September, and the Ministry of Finance already has a few starting points. One of them is the price of oil, one of the primary sources of income for the State's budget. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the price of Ecuadorian oil will average USD 75.3 per barrel in 2023. With that price, the budget's oil revenues would fall by around USD 500 million compared to 2022, warned the former Minister of Finance, Fausto Ortiz.

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