El Salvador

 August 31, 2022

Bancoagrícola's Vice President of Finance, Alexander Pinilla, affirmed that the liquidity of the Salvadoran financial system remained positive in the first half of 2022. In this sense, Pinilla said that deposits in the Salvadoran financial system would continue to grow in the second half of 2022; however, he indicated that the growth rate of deposits would slow down. In this context, in the second quarter of 2022, Bancoagrícola's total deposits increased to USD 16.5 billion, while loans reached USD 15.5 billion.


 August 31, 2022

Argentina's Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, managed to close his first month in office with a debt placement of ARS 212,236 million. On Monday, in the second tender of August, the Secretary of Finance offered a bid for four securities maturing in 2022 and 2023. In this tender, the Treasury issued a Liquidity Bill (LELITE) maturing on September 30th, 2022; in addition, two discount bills (LEDE) maturing on December 16th, 2022, and January 31th, 2023, and an inflation-adjusted bill (CER) maturing on June 16th, 2023.


 August 31, 2022

On Tuesday, Bolivia's President Luis Arce announced that he had approved the acquisition of USD 1,142 million in debt. According to studies, the country's external and internal indebtedness is currently at least 78.8% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In detail, about 12 decrees were authorized by the Bolivian government to acquire debt contracts with the CAF, IDB, Fonplata, ICO, Eximba, KfW, and IFAD; to boost employment, health, water and sanitation, irrigation, climate change, roads, and energy projects, and to strengthen the State's statistical system and other public investment projects. 

Costa Rica Report highlights


Although one of the "leitmotifs" of former President Alvarado Quesada was to leave the "house in order," this has been questioned by various political sectors, including the new President and economist, Rodrigo Chaves. 

Administration of Rodrigo Chaves announced on June 22nd, 2022, the modification of the fiscal rule. This occurred after the National Child Welfare Agency (PANI) authorities raised alerts due to the restrictions to urgently allocate resources to private organizations that care for vulnerable minors since they denounced that they would run out of money to operate after June 30th.


 August 31, 2022

On Monday, the Presidents of the nations that make up the Andean Community (CAN) - Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia - said they would like Venezuela, Chile, and Argentina to join the group. "If we manage to integrate Chile, Venezuela, and Argentina... I think this would change things significantly, and our voice would be heard more clearly on the world stage," said the Colombian President, Gustavo Petro. "I would like to express how important it would be for the Andean Community, and the benefits for its members, for Chile and Venezuela to rejoin," said the Peruvian President, Pedro Castillo. 



 August 31, 2022

The preparation of the General State Budget for 2023 will begin in September, and the Ministry of Finance already has a few starting points. One of them is the price of oil, one of the primary sources of income for the State's budget. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the price of Ecuadorian oil will average USD 75.3 per barrel in 2023. With that price, the budget's oil revenues would fall by around USD 500 million compared to 2022, warned the former Minister of Finance, Fausto Ortiz.

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El Salvador
El Salvador

Lithium Carbonate Plant to be inaugurated

 December 12, 2023

The Lithium Carbonate Industrial Plant in Uyuni-Potosí has commenced production trials and is scheduled for inauguration in the coming days by the President of Bolivia, Luis Arce Catacora, according to the Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy, Franklin Molina. The plant, now in the production trial stage, is set to be inaugurated by President Arce after a prolonged process of reconfiguration and construction. The Lithium Carbonate Industrial Plant entered the stabilization phase in November, initiating trials for the production of this compound, which is highly sought after in the international market for manufacturing lithium-ion batteries. Situated in the Yacimientos de Litio Bolivianos (YLB) Industrial Complex in the municipality of Colcha K, south of the Uyuni Salt Flat, the plant required an investment of over USD 94 million. Construction began in 2019 with the aim of producing 15,000 tons of lithium carbonate annually. Despite initial delays and technical difficulties, the project underwent restructuring, and Bolivia anticipates entering the international market with high-purity lithium carbonate, generating economic revenues for the country.



Source: El Diario

Legislative Assembly has USD 521 million of credits pending approval

 December 12, 2023

At least USD 521 million in credits for irrigation, road, and emergency response programs are awaiting approval in the Plurinational Legislative Assembly (ALP), reported Sergio Cusicanqui, the Minister of Planning for Development. Bolivia's ongoing debt accumulation is due to a lack of government-generated resources, and this trend is expected to continue, with plans to secure external credits exceeding $4 billion in the coming years. Additionally, the government aims to sell $2 billion in sovereign bonds, but this prospect is uncertain due to the country's high credit risk rating. As of September, Bolivia's debt has surpassed $13 billion, and if the pending loans in the assembly are consolidated, this figure will increase. The funds are intended for various projects, including the construction of a new Mi Teleférico line in La Paz, a watershed-focused program, the construction of the dual Confital-Bombeo highway, the development of eight lanes in the Senkata-Apacheta section in El Alto, and an emergency response program for the effects of Covid-19. Minister Cusicanqui expressed regret over the legislative delays, affecting not only national government projects but also those of local governments. Minister of Defense Edmundo Novillo criticized the selective paralysis of economic projects in the legislature by opposition parties, stating that it obstructs initiatives related to economic recovery and public investment.


Source: El Diario

The BCB attributes the decrease in International Reserves to four factors

 December 06, 2023

The Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB) attributes the decrease in Net International Reserves (NIR) to several factors, including the lack of investment in the hydrocarbons sector in previous administrations, the fuel subsidy, the lack of approval of foreign loans and the payment of public foreign debt. NIR fell to $2,147 million in August, the lowest level in 17 years. Despite this, the BCB implemented measures to maintain stability and strengthen the NIR, such as the purchase of gold and the prospect of income from investment projects and industrialization policies.


Source: La Razón

Bolivia seeks to be a transit country between CAN and Mercosur

 December 06, 2023

Following Bolivia's full accession to the Southern Common Market (Mercosur), the country has a period to adjust to its rules, seeking economic and social benefits. Bolivia will become an important link between the Andean Community (CAN) and Mercosur, prioritizing transportation and becoming a transit zone, according to the Vice Minister of Foreign Trade, Benjamín Blanco. The declaration was made in the framework of Mercosur accession, awaiting official confirmation at Thursday's summit in Brazil. Bolivia will be the only country member of both blocks, CAN and Mercosur, strengthening its strategic position in the heart of South America and being the point of convergence between both blocks. In particular, the potential in transportation is highlighted, with plans to become a transit country for goods between the Atlantic and the Pacific, promoting integration through the railroad and taking advantage of Mercosur's linkages and supply of inputs.


Source: El Diario

Malaysian state-owned oil company showed its intention to invest in Bolivia 

 September 30, 2022

The President of Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB), Armin Dorgathen, informed that the Malaysian state-owned hydrocarbon company, Petronas, is showing interest in carrying out investment projects in Bolivia. After the meetings with Petronas executives, YPFB's President said, "With the Petronas executive, we talked about opportunities in exploration and investment projects in Bolivia. This meeting coincides with YPFB's internationalization plans." In this regard, Dorgathen assured that the state-owned company plans to expand internationally and enter the natural gas market. 


Source: La Razón

The BCB highlights the financial system's stability and resilience 

 September 30, 2022

The Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB), through its Financial Stability Report - July 2022, highlighted the solidity, stability, and resilience of the Bolivian financial system in the face of possible adverse shocks. Along these lines, the issuing entity highlighted that a more significant activity of financial intermediation was reflected in an improvement in the system's profitability, access, and coverage indicators. Likewise, the institution highlighted that profits reached BOB 775 million, with an increase of 46% compared to June 2021. According to the document, the first semester of this year was characterized by an uncertain global macroeconomic environment, mainly due to the appearance of new variants of COVID-19 and the war between Ukraine and Russia.


Source: El Deber.

Producer Price Index registered an increase of 0.15% in August 2022 

 September 29, 2022

The National Statistics Institute (INE) stated that the Producer Price Index (IPP) registered an increase of 0.15% in August compared to the previous month. In this sense, the accumulated variation of the PPI up to August grew by 1.01% and inter-annually by 0.37%. According to the INE, the increase in the PPI in August was driven by the prices of the manufacturing, agricultural, livestock, mining, and natural gas industries. 


Source: Economy

The Bolivian government prohibits industries from using gas to generate electricity and prioritizes exports 

 September 29, 2022

Bolivian industries will stop receiving gas to generate their electricity. In this regard, the government gave them a year to connect to the National Interconnected System and allocate the gas for export purposes. According to various analysts, this measure will threaten national production and the pockets of the population. The announcement was made known through Decree 4749, which allows the use of gas for companies to transform raw materials into elaborated producers but no longer to generate their electricity. In addition, it establishes that the volumes of natural gas that users in the industrial category stop consuming will be destined by YPFB for the market that generates the best income for the State. 


Source: El Deber

YPFB, YLB, and ENDE meet obligations with the BCB within the established deadlines 

 September 28, 2022

According to the Monetary Policy Report as of July 2022 of the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB), the National Electricity Company (ENDE), Bolivian Lithium Deposits (YLB), and Bolivian Fiscal Oil Deposits (YPFB) paid their obligations to the issuing entity within the established periods. The BCB, according to information from ABI, disbursed ENDE BOB 661 million. Likewise, the issuing entity reported that ENDE, YLB, and YPFB made amortizations of capital and interest, complying with the established schedules, which implies the timely payment of the amounts corresponding to the capital and the interest of credits granted to them. 


Source: Economy

Urea and LPG trade balance registers a surplus of USD 142.62 million 

 September 28, 2022

The state-owned company, Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB), reported that between January and August, the trade balance associated with the commercialization of Urea and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) registered a surplus of USD 142.6 million. According to the entity's projections, this trade surplus will continue to increase until the end of 2022. In this regard, the President of Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB), Armin Dorgathen, attributed the surplus to the increases in the prices of commodities in the international market due to the war between Russia and Ukraine. In this sense, Dorgathen stated, " 2022 has been an atypical period in the behavior of foreign trade associated with hydrocarbons." 


Source: El Diario

Daniel Campos Province's committee proposes a new royalty regime for lithium exploitation  

 September 27, 2022

The Pro Interests Committee of the residents of the Province of Daniel Campos in the Department of Potosí proposed a bill related to the exploitation of lithium in the country. The "Lithium and Evaporite Resources Law" stipulates establishing the first legal framework in the country for the exploration, exploitation, and industrialization of lithium. In this regard, the law considers establishing a tax system for lithium and its derivatives. According to Bolivian government sources, the bill was drafted to set the rules for the industrialization of lithium in Bolivia. 


Source: El Diario

YPFB reportedly ignored an offer for ethanol at 50% of the price of gasoline  

 September 27, 2022

After it became known that from January to July of this year, Bolivia imported fuels worth USD 2,274 million, exceeding the USD 2,250 million registered in 2021, from the Aguaí Sugar and Alcohol Mill, President Cristóbal Roda revealed that the State’s oil company, YPFB, and the Ministry of Hydrocarbons and Energy had ignored an offer to sell 50 million liters of ethanol, in addition to the current contract. Roda explained that the proposal was made through a note addressed to the President of YPFB and copied to the Minister of Energy and Hydrocarbons in May and August this year. 


Source: El Deber

The banking sector's profits grew by 32.5% up to August

 September 26, 2022

According to official data, financial intermediation entities between January and August of this year recorded an increase of 32.5% in their profits compared to 2021. Up to the eighth month of last year, financial entities achieved a profit of BOB 808 million, and by August 2022, that figure was already BOB 1,071 million. The Director of the Financial System Supervision Authority (Asfi), Reynaldo Yujra, explained that the profits registered by the financial entities reflect the country's economic stability, despite the problems that exist abroad.


Source: La Razón

Public management expects that the pension system will reach USD 26 billion in savings by 2025

 September 26, 2022

Jaime Durán Chuquimia, the General Manager of the Public Management of Long Term Social Security, spoke about the current pension situation in Bolivia and the transition between the two Pension Fund Administrators (AFP) and the Public management. He also referred to the reason for this migration and evaluated these first days of operation under the government's control. He also shared the institution's objectives. Durán indicated that until September of this year, the pension system's savings exceeded USD 23 billion. "By 2025, we expect to exceed USD 26 billion because, in Bolivia's integral pension system, we have had a significant growth in the savings of workers and companies," he said.  


Source: La Razón

Bolivia's government invests more than USD 960 million in lithium industrialization

 September 23, 2022

Bolivia's Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy, Franklin Molina, stated that the Bolivian government had invested around USD 960 million to industrialize lithium in the country. In this regard, Molina emphasized that "Bolivia is already entering into the realm of companies that are currently listed among the five countries that will be among the main lithium producers as of next year." He added, "our social, economic development plan has defined that we can have a production goal of 40,000 tons by 2025."


Source: La Razón

President Arce proposes to prioritize a global plan to face the food crisis

 September 23, 2022

During the 77th session of the United Nations Organization (UN), President Luis Arce Catacora raised, among one of his 14 proposals, the urgency of prioritizing a global food sovereignty program to face the food crisis that has been caused due to the COVID-19 pandemic and armed conflicts.

"We held a meeting with the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, to whom we raised the urgency of prioritizing a Global Food Sovereignty Program to effectively confront the food crisis that arose from the pandemic and armed conflicts," said President Arce on social media networks.


Source: El Diario

Bolivia obtains more than BOB 287 million in potassium and lithium sales, according to YLB

 September 22, 2022

According to the Director of the Bolivian State’s company, Yacimientos de Litio Bolivianos (YLB), Carlos Ramos, to date, more than BOB 287 million has been generated from the sales of potassium chloride (agro fertilizer) and lithium carbonate (raw material to manufacture batteries) to the national and international markets.
Likewise, he pointed out that taking into account that this amount has beed obtained so far this year, it is projected to market around BOB 500 million until the end of this year. In addition, Ramos added that Bolivia has significant lithium reserves and will face industrialization through pilot and industrial scale plants in the Department of Potosí.


Source: Economy

Bolivia with a 'B' grade and a stable outlook in 2022

 September 22, 2022

Fitch Ratings announced that it maintained Bolivia's country risk rating at "B" with a "Stable" outlook; it should be noted that the rating grade was held for the second consecutive year. Following the announcement, the agency stated that it expects the country's deficit to be reduced by the end of 2022, which the agency attributed to the efficiency of the country's public administration, increases in the Bolivian government's tax collection, and increases in Bolivian exports. Additionally, the agency remarked that Bolivia has one of the lowest inflation levels in the region.


Source: La Razon

Bolivia's Lithium carbonate industrial plant to start up in the second quarter of 2023

 September 21, 2022

The President of Yacimientos de Litio Bolivianos (YLB), Carlos Ramos, stated that the lithium carbonate industrial plant in the department of Uyuni will start operations in the second quarter of 2023. According to Ramos, the plant will have an estimated production of 2,500 tons of lithium carbonate. In this sense, the Bolivian government forecasts that after the complete industrialization of lithium, the country will have a production capacity of 15,000 tons per year. In this regard, Ramos highlighted that "six companies are preparing technical, economic proposals to be able to support YLB in the first stage exploitation of lithium carbonate and industrialization."


Source: La Razon

Tax collection has risen by 22.5% so far in 2022

 September 21, 2022

According to the National Tax Service (SIN), between January and August, Bolivia's collection for the economic sector rose to BOB 30,252 million, 22.5% more than in the similar period of 2021, when the amount collected was BOB 24,694 million. The President of the SIN, Mario Cazón, explained that this increase represented a rise in the collection of BOB 5,558.1 million, "thanks to the government's measures to reactivate domestic demand and rebuild the Bolivian economy."

Among the sectors that collected the most are crude oil and natural gas, which reported a collection of BOB 4,533.6 million (as of August 2021) and an increase of up to BOB 5,759.3 million (as of August 2022), with a positive variation of 27% (BOB 1,225.7 million).


Source: Economy

Public Administrator to manage a USD 23,240 million fund 

 September 20, 2022

The Public Administrator of the Social Security will manage a fund of USD 23,240 million, which currently remains in the hands of Future Pension Fund Administrators (AFP) and the BBVA. This amount corresponds to the insured individuals' contributions to the Comprehensive Pension System (SIP) that until now was managed by these two private entities and will pass into the hands of the State.
According to data from the Pension and Insurance Supervision and Control Authority (APS), the market value of the insured individuals' contributions is USD 23,240 million, adding that these resources will be administered as of May 2023 by the new Administrator.


Source: El Deber

Evo's former Deputy Minister harshly criticizes the lithium industrialization process promoted by Arce's administration

 September 20, 2022

The former Deputy Minister of High Energy Technologies and former National Manager of Evaporite Resources of the Mining Corporation of Bolivia, Luis Alberto Echazú, questioned the administration of the President of Bolivia, Luis Arce, regarding how the industrialization of lithium is being carried out in the country. In this sense, the former Deputy Minister criticized the drain of human capital that the government had undertaken in the lithium branch and affirmed that the country is at risk of losing technological sovereignty in the processes of lithium industrialization.


Source: El Deber

The Bolivian government delivers economic incentives to camelid cattle producers

 September 19, 2022

The Deputy Minister of Rural and Agricultural Development, Álvaro Mollinedo Catari, transferred BOB 352,800 to families producing camelids in the Departments of La Paz, Oruro, and Potosí. This initiative is managed by the Pro-Camelid Program, whose objective is to encourage savings by individuals and/or groups of producers in these regions.

“We are glad they have started saving through an agreement with Banco Unión. For six months, our producers have saved around BOB 1,400, and on top of these savings, the Pro-Camelid Program gives them an incentive of BOB 1,400. In total, they already have BOB 2,400 (...) This achievement is the effort of producers and the central government to improve production and continue rebuilding our economy,” expressed Mollinedo at the granting ceremony.


Source: Ahora El Pueblo

President Arce urges work on a joint agenda to strengthen economic growth

 September 19, 2022

During the inauguration of the Santa Cruz International Fair (Expocruz), President Luis Arce urged his collaborators to work on a joint agenda to make the country progress and underpin economic growth. "We need to work together to give certainty to our population; political, economic, and social stability is a heritage of all Bolivian men and women that we must take care of (...) we need to work on a joint agenda that allows our country to progress once again," said the President. Arce also pointed out that instability and uncertainty affect all Bolivian families and negatively impact micro, small, and large companies, which lose opportunities offered by the global economy.


Source: Ahora El Pueblo

The IMF highlights ten recommendations for the Bolivian economy

 September 16, 2022

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) highlighted that while the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a tragic loss of lives in Bolivia, the economic recovery from the pandemic-driven recession has been faster than expected. After an 8.7% contraction in 2020, the economy registered a 6.1% growth in 2021, led by mining, construction, and agriculture.
Likewise, the IMF highlighted ten recommendations to maintain the economy's performance. Among the recommendations are: to maintain a reduction in poverty, make significant tax adjustments, restrict the State's expenditure, expand the tax base, lower subsidies, and make the BCB independent, among others.


Source: El Deber

Daza: Cochabamba's economy has recovered

 September 16, 2022

The Department of Cochabamba's Ministry of Economy and Public Finances pointed out the Department's potential to become an integrating, productive, industrial, and logistics center of Bolivia. In this regard, the President of the Chamber of Industry, Commerce, and Services of Cochabamba, Ramón Daza, emphasized that an extensive portfolio of projects is being promoted in the Department, ranging from industrial development to technological development. He also stated that "it is necessary to focus on the exports of food, software, services and to become the leaders in dairy production once again."


Source: Economy

BCB: "Bolivia's economic reactivation is still dynamic"

 September 15, 2022

According to the Central Bank of Bolivia's (BCB) Monetary Policy Report (IPM), as of July 2022, progress has been made in the Bolivian economy's recovery and stability process amid an international context of armed conflicts and a COVID-19 pandemic.

"Despite this adverse international context, in Bolivia, the economic reactivation maintains its dynamism, with a growth of 3.97% in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) up to the first quarter of 2022, which contrasts with the negative rate registered in the same period in 2021 (-0.61%)," highlights the report. In addition, the entity indicated that the nation's external accounts performed well.


Source: Economy

Bolivian cargo movement through Ilo exceeds 101,000 tons

 September 15, 2022

The Administration of Bolivia's Port Services (ASP-B) said that the movement of Bolivian cargo through the port of Ilo exceeded 101,000 million tons between January and August 2022, a year-over-year increase of 40% compared to the same period of 2021. In this regard, the Manager of ASP-B, Dante Justiniano, said, "We will continue with this work, and we will continue to ensure that all our exporters and importers have the best possibilities and alternatives so that the cargo that develops the country's internal trade achieves the expected goal."


Source: La Razón

Bolivia will build a Biodiesel-1 Plant with high-tech equipment manufactured in Europe, Asia, and Brazil

 September 14, 2022

The Biodiesel-1 Plant will be built with advanced technology equipment manufactured in Europe, Asia, Brazil, and other countries to reduce diesel imports and subsidies. The delivery of the Order to Proceed between representatives of YPFB Refining and the company, Desmet Ballestra, will make the implementation of the complex feasible. It may be highlighted that the President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Luis Arce, participated in the event. Meanwhile, Minister Molina indicated that the plant would have a production capacity of 1,500 barrels per day and stressed that this project would promote agricultural production since the raw material for these facilities is of plant origin.


Source: Bnamericas

Sales of restaurants, air transportation, and hotels increased by 49%

 September 14, 2022

Between January and July 2022, sales of restaurants, air transport, and hotels totaled USD 606 million, an increase of 49% compared to the same period in 2021, when it was USD 408 million. For the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance, these figures demonstrate the recovery of the Bolivian economy, which grew by 3.97% in the first half of the year. 
According to the National Tax Service (SIN), invoiced sales of restaurants reached USD 321 million between January and July 2022, which means a growth of 27% compared to the same period last year, when it was USD 253 million; compared with the sales recorded in the same period of 2020, the growth was 64%.


Source: La Razón

Bolivia will begin the transition to its new State pension system

 September 13, 2022

The President of Bolivia, Luis Arce, and the Minister of Economy, Marcelo Montenegro, officially initiated the activities of the Public Administrator of the Contributory and Semi-contributory Regimes of the Comprehensive Pension System, which will be the only body in the country for these matters.

Arce described this advance as "historical" in which Bolivians will no longer have to register with a private Pension Fund Administrator (AFP) but rather with the Public Administrator in charge of the Bolivian State. "Today, we are advancing in the line that our pensions gradually be administered by ourselves, the Bolivians, as it should always have been," said Arce.


Source: El Informador

Domestic demand drove the economy's growth in the first quarter

 September 13, 2022

The Minister of Economy and Public Finance, Marcelo Montenegro, stated that the country's domestic demand drove the Gross Domestic Product's (GDP) growth of 3.97% in the first quarter of the year. Accordingly, Montenegro indicated that the main sectors that drove domestic demand growth were construction, air and rail transportation, and energy. According to the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance's projections, Bolivia's GDP will expand by 5.1% in 2022.


Source: La Razón

The economy registers a 3.97% growth rate up to the first quarter of 2022

 September 12, 2022

According to the latest report issued by the National Statistics Institute (INE), Bolivia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) registered a growth rate of 3.97% during the first quarter of this year. This "fact reflects that the country has a stable economy and describes a trajectory of sustained economic recovery, as a result of the economic reactivation measures implemented," states part of the INE report.
According to the INE's report, the economic activities that registered the highest growth rates were transportation and storage, which registered a positive variation of 11.09%. Meanwhile, electricity, gas, and water reported an increase of 8.82%, and construction increased by 7.07%. 


Source: El Deber

Montenegro: "Bolivia has resources" for people to even spend "on recreation"

 September 12, 2022

Bolivia's Minister of Economy and Finance, Marcelo Montenegro, assured that the Bolivian economy is so stable that people are even spending on recreation. Montenegro made these statements to Bolivia TV, highlighting the latest report of the National Institute of Statistics (INE). The report states that the economy grew by 3.97% up to the first quarter.
"The Bolivian economy is growing with a low level of inflation, with the external sector that is registering record levels of exports, a favorable trade balance, a low unemployment rate, the lowest inflation rate in the whole region, one of the lowest in the whole world which makes many analysts ask themselves, what is the Bolivian economy doing?", he stressed.


Source: El Deber

The "0 import tariff" would allow Bolivia's production to be more competitive

 September 09, 2022

According to the Vice President of the National Chamber of Commerce (CNC), Eduardo Olivo, having a zero tariff for importing capital goods will give the private sector greater competitiveness for the country's production. According to the official, the measure will make it possible to deal with smuggling, mainly that which enters from Argentina. Due to the devaluation of its currency, a massive flow of illicit merchandise is registered in our territory. "As a (National) Chamber, we are looking for a solution, and some of the solutions could be a zero import tariff for production."


Source: La Razón

Bolivia ranks 123rd in economic freedom, according to the Fraser Institute

 September 09, 2022

Canada's Fraser Institute said that Bolivia ranked 123rd in the annual report on economic freedom in the world in 2022, while it had ranked 122nd in the index in 2021. Following the announcement, the head of the institute, Fred McMahon, said, "When jurisdictions increase taxes and regulations, people become less economically free, which means slower economic growth and less investment." According to the institute's study, countries with high levels of economic freedom have "greater prosperity, more political and civil liberties, and longer life spans."


Source: El Deber

The BCB reduces legal reserves in dollars to inject liquidity into banks

 September 08, 2022

The Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB) reduced the legal reserve for banks to have more liquidity to give loans. This decision is the seventh reduction the BCB has made in the last seven years.

The new Legal Reserve Regulation for Financial Intermediation Entities, approved by the BCB board, reduces the reserve requirement in foreign currency from 21% in 2021 to 10% in the case of cash resources and 9% in the case of negotiable instruments. Meanwhile, the reserve requirement in national currency (in bolivianos) was also reduced from 10% to 5.5% for cash and 3.5% for securities.


Source: El Deber

Census date to be set in the first quarter of 2024

 September 08, 2022

On Wednesday, the Deputy Minister of Autonomous governments, Alvaro Ruiz, announced that the date for the National Population and Housing Census had been set for the second quarter of 2024, between May and June. In this sense, Ruiz remarked that "it will be established in the first quarter of 2024, that is to say, from January to March, the specific day should be fixed. We are working on this schedule so that the census day will be established in May and June." It should be noted that the date for the Census was initially scheduled for mid-November of this year.


Source: El Diario

Prices increased, and the inflation rate stood at 1.62% in Bolivia in August

 September 07, 2022

According to the National Institute of Statistics (INE), during August, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) registered an increase of 0.04% compared to July. The accumulated variation until that month was positive, with an increase of 1.62% and 1.55% for the previous twelve months. Additionally, the institution highlighted that the rise of 0.04% of the CPI registered in August may mainly be explained by the positive variation of prices in the divisions of education, furniture, goods and domestic services, alcoholic beverages and tobacco, food and non-alcoholic beverages, housing and basic services, and food and beverages consumed outside the home.


Source: El Deber 

During his visit to Brazil, Arce announced that he would soon sign lithium industrialization contracts

 September 07, 2022

During his visit to Brazil, the President of Bolivia, Luis Arce, stated that in the coming months, the Bolivian government would sign a series of agreements for the industrialization of lithium in the country. In this sense, Arce affirmed that the government's control of the inflation rate and the sustained growth of the Bolivian economy had boosted the processes for the industrialization of lithium. In June, the Bolivian government presented the results of six international companies to develop Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) in the country. 


Source: El Deber

Bolivia reports a positive trade balance of USD 718 million with the CAN

 September 06, 2022

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade and Integration, Benjamín Blanco, stated that Bolivia achieved a trade surplus of USD 718 million with the Andean Community of Nations (CAN) in the first half of the year. In this sense, Blanco pointed out that the CAN has become the leading destination for the exports of Bolivia's non-conventional products. In detail, the Deputy Minister indicated that the country's exports to the CAN in the first half of the year reached USD 1,474 million, representing 20% of the total exports destined for the bloc.


Source: El Diario

Bolivia will also be affected by the world crisis 

 September 06, 2022

According to the World Bank’s economists, the lost decade in Latin America could be repeated. In addition, some international media companies estimate that the world economy is on the verge of recession due to the economic crisis that is approaching. Meanwhile, various Bolivian analysts point out that Bolivia is no stranger to the current situation, and the lack of liquidity is a sign. 
Economists also warn that the Bolivian government is reducing its liquidity and has been losing confidence in the capital markets, which is why it did not successfully manage to place its bonds at the beginning of this administration.      


Source: El Diario

PGE bill proposes that the BCB grant a credit of BOB 3,000 million to the Ministry of Economy

 September 05, 2022

In accordance with the 2022 General State Budget Modification Bill (PGE), the Bolivian government will resort to more internal debt, and BOB 3,000 million will be lent from the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB) in favor of the Ministry of Economy. The proposed bill states that it will be an "extraordinary credit" and that the resources will help with the "reconstruction of the national economy."

The bill, which was submitted to the Chamber of Deputies on August 30th, also proposes an additional budget of resources and expenses for public sector entities.


Source: Money

The Bolivian government reiterates that the level of indebtedness is sustainable

 September 05, 2022

The Deputy Minister of the Treasury and Public Credit, Juana Jiménez, denied the comments made by the Senator of the Citizen Community (CC), Rodrigo Paz, recalling that the level of external indebtedness in Bolivia is sustainable and is below the thresholds recommended by international organizations.

Likewise, she highlighted that thanks to the growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the economy's capacity to assume debt is greater, and the current balance of the non-financial public sector registers a surplus. The official also explained that Bolivia is in the process of reactivation and economic stability, which allows it to have a better capacity to manage external indebtedness as recommended by international organizations.


Source: Ahora El Pueblo

Gold sales set a record and reached USD 1,613 million 

 September 02, 2022

Metallic gold exports registered a historical record in July of this year. During that period, the value of metal sales reached USD 1,613 million, 39% higher than in 2021, when it reached USD 1,255.2 million.
According to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), the volume exported up to the seventh month of this year was 33.7 tons. Meanwhile, from January to July 2021, 26.7 tons were sold. Before 2022, the year that Bolivia exported the most significant amount of gold in volume and value was 2014, when 26.8 tons were sold to the foreign market for a value of USD 875 million in July of that year.


Source: La Razon

Bolivia's manufacturing industry accounts for 50% of the country's exports to the world

 September 02, 2022

The National Institute of Statistics (INE) stated that Bolivia's manufacturing industry's exports totaled US$4,155 million, or 49.7% of the country's total exports up to July 2022, with a total of US$8,274 million. As indicated by the INE, the increase in exports was due to higher exports of metallic gold, soybean products, metallic tin, gold jewelry, metallic silver, sunflower products, and beef, among others.


Source: Economy

Exports to July record trade surplus driven by raw materials

 September 01, 2022

The National Institute of Statistics (INE) said that the country's exports reached USD 8,274 million in the first half of 2022, this increase was attributed to the increase in the prices of raw materials in the international market. In this sense, the General Manager of the Bolivian Institute of Foreign Trade (IBCE), Gary Rodríguez, indicated that the country's exports grew by 36% year-on-year in the first half of the year. According to DATA from the INE, the trade balance showed a trade surplus of USD 1,287 million in that period.


Source: El Diario

Santa Cruz generates 80% of the volume and 75% of the value of Bolivia's non-traditional exports

 September 01, 2022

According to an analysis by the Bolivian Institute of Foreign Trade (IBCE) in the first half of 2022, the department of Santa Cruz produced 52% of bolivia's external sales volume and 32% of the value; In addition, they emphasize that in the segment of non-traditional products 80% of the volume and 75% of the value also have Santa Cruz origin.
According to data from the National Institute of Statistics processed by the IBCE, Santa Cruz producers contribute 32% of the value of national exports, with USD 2,219 million. It is followed by Potosí, with USD 1,536 million (22%), and La Paz, with USD 1,330 million (19%).


Source: El Deber

Arce authorizes USD 1,142 million in new foreign debt  

 August 31, 2022

On Tuesday, Bolivia's President Luis Arce announced that he had approved the acquisition of USD 1,142 million in debt. According to studies, the country's external and internal indebtedness is currently at least 78.8% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In detail, about 12 decrees were authorized by the Bolivian government to acquire debt contracts with the CAF, IDB, Fonplata, ICO, Eximba, KfW, and IFAD; to boost employment, health, water and sanitation, irrigation, climate change, roads, and energy projects, and to strengthen the State's statistical system and other public investment projects. 


Source: El Deber

YLB and IBNORCA to work on technical standardization of products 

 August 31, 2022

Bolivian Lithium Deposits (YLB) and the Bolivian Institute for Standardization and Quality (IBNORCA) have signed an Inter-institutional Agreement to establish cooperation mechanisms to carry out joint activities in the field of the technical standardization necessary for the generation of the Sector Standardization Unit (USN). It should be noted that through the State’s company, YLB, Bolivia has faced the industrialization of lithium through research and plants, and on a pilot and industrial scale of potassium chloride, lithium carbonate, and batteries in the department of Potosí. 


Source: El Diario

Ministry of Economy says that the country is starting to achieve levels reported in 2019 

 August 30, 2022

According to Bolivia's Minister of Economy, Marcelo Montenegro, with a boost in the sectors and confidence in the financial system, the country's economy is beginning to recover to levels achieved in 2019. "The reconstruction of the economy has denoted efforts by the national government to boost economic sectors, especially construction, trade, transportation, manufacturing, mining, and hydrocarbons that were being rebuilt; we are reaching the levels reported in 2019," indicated the Minister. Likewise, he highlighted the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and how it was controlled, as a fundamental part of the positive progress of the country's economic situation, given that by reducing the risk of contagion, there was also an opportunity for various economic sectors to recover. 


Source: La Razón

Montenegro: Bolivia has the payment capacity to seek more external loans  

 August 30, 2022

Bolivia's Minister of Economy and Public Finance, Marcelo Montenegro, affirmed that the country has the payment capacity to pay international organizations and stated that the government should be able to access new loans. In this sense, Montenegro pointed out that Bolivia's external public debt at the end of 2021 represented 31.2% of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Additionally, the Minister highlighted that the country has the lowest inflation rate in the region, which as of July 2022 was 1.6%. 


Source: El Deber

Arce requests oil workers to help strengthen YLB 

 August 29, 2022

President Luis Arce Catacora asked the country's oil workers to cooperate in strengthening the company Yacimientos de Litio Bolivianos (YLB) to consolidate and give a qualitative boost to the industrialization of lithium. "We are organizing ourselves so as not to leave YLB alone because it is a company that is being born, that needs the drive and experience of many of you, oil workers, electricity workers, ENDE workers, workers of our public institutions, to strengthen the work of our Yacimientos de Litio Bolivianos," said Arce, while mentioning that the country has an enormous hydrocarbon potential. However, it is necessary to consolidate industrialization and improve the country's export capacity with value-added products.  


Source: Pagina Siete

Bolivia must pay 53% more foreign debt in 2022 compared to 2021

 August 29, 2022

In 2022, the Bolivian State will have to pay USD 1,265 million for capital, interest, and commissions on its foreign debt, up to 53% more than in 2021, when USD 826 million was disbursed for the same concepts, informed the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB). In detail, USD 1,021 million (80.7%) corresponds to capital and USD 243 million (19.3%) to interest and commissions. According to the BCB’s data, external debt maintained a stable upward trend from 2008 (USD 2,505 million) to 2016 (USD 7,267 million) but began to accelerate from 2017 (USD 9,428 million) to reach USD 12,697 million in December 2021. 


Source: El Deber

Government declares imports of fuels through pipelines "of national interest"

 August 26, 2022

Bolivia's Ministry of Hydrocarbons declared "of national interest" the use of pipelines and polyducts "for the transportation of imported hydrocarbons" to reduce the cost of these operations. The decision was finalized through Ministerial Resolution 067-2022 of July 19th, 2022, which declares "the operation of oil pipelines and multi-purpose pipelines to be of national interest to the national and sector policy for the transportation of imported hydrocarbons by pipelines." The resolution is preceded by a technical report from the Ministry issued on July 12th, 2022, which explains that "although YPFB and the ANH request authorization for YPFB Transporte to use the OCY-1 pipeline (from Camiri to Yacuiba) to import hydrocarbons, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive analysis of this request."


Source: El Deber

Minister of Economy justifies CAF loan and says it will strengthen public investment 

 August 26, 2022

Bolivia's Minister of Economy and Public Finance, Marcelo Montenegro, stated that the USD 400 million in a loan granted by the Andean Development Corporation (CAF) would be used to strengthen the country's public investment. The loan has a term of 18 years, with a grace period of 5.5 years and an interest rate of 4.52%. In this context, the CAF's Executive President, Sergio Diaz, said, "This loan is aimed at contributing to the timely execution of Bolivia's public resources." In this regard, the Bolivian government projects a public investment of USD 5,015 million in the country in 2022. 


Source: El Deber

ECLAC projects growth of less than 4% for Bolivia in 2022

 August 25, 2022

The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) revealed that the Bolivian economy will grow by 3.5% in 2022. Meanwhile, the Bolivian government projects a growth of 5.1% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). For its part, the World Bank projected a growth of 3.9% for the Bolivian economy in 2022, for 2023 2.8% and for 2024 2.7%. According to ECLAC, the growth of Latin American countries will be determined by the boost of investment in the region.


Source: El Diario

Chuquisaca expects its stake in the Margarita-Huacaya gas field to increase from 25% to 55%

 August 25, 2022

According to the Chuquisaqueño legislature, Chuquisaca has a stake in three of the seven reservoirs of the Margarita-Huacaya field, specifically in those that produce the most gas. They also indicated that the new royalty and HDI distribution factor should be applied from June of this year onwards. The authorities of Tarija are resigned to the region receiving fewer resources, although they announced that they will observe the results related to one of the reservoirs. 
The technical report of the new distribution factor, carried out by the American DeGolyer & MacNaughton, was delivered to the governorates of both departments, for their respective technicians to analyze. 


Source: El Deber

According to the BCB, the External Public Debt over the GDP was reduced by 1.8% compared to 2020 

 August 24, 2022

According to what was reported by the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB), until December 31st, 2021, the External Public Debt over the GDP has been reduced by 1.8% compared to 2020. According to the official report, the balance of the country's External Public Debt reached USD 12,697.7 million, which shows, in terms of solvency, an improvement in the country's indebtedness capacity. Likewise, the report indicates that the liquidity indicator expressed in debt service on the level of exports improved from 11.1% in 2020 to 7.2% in 2021, which shows an appropriate capacity of the country to meet its commitments to creditors. 


Source: Economy

Despite records in exports and remittances, Bolivia's international reserves have not increased  

 August 24, 2022

The National Statistics Institute (INE) stated that the country's exports reached USD 7,012 million as of June, while imports totaled USD 5,792 million, which placed the country's trade balance with a surplus of USD 1,220 million. In this sense, the INE indicated that the country's remittances totaled USD 724 million in the first semester of 2022. However, despite the increase in exports and the country's remittances in the first half of the year, data from the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB) indicate that the country's international reserves decreased to USD 4,505 million in June. 


Source: El Deber

Bolivia's exports are projected to reach more than USD 13 billion in 2022

 August 23, 2022

Bolivia's Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade, Benjamín Blanco, projects that by the end of 2022, the country's exports will reach USD 13 billion and pointed out that the increase in exports may be attributed to the commercialization of manufactured goods. In this regard, the Deputy Minister highlighted, "We have grown in all export items, not only in value. Bolivia has become a more productive country, especially in higher volumes of manufacturing." In detail, Blanco pointed out that the country's manufacturing exports accounted for 51% of the total in the first half of the year, with USD 3,546 million.


Source: Economy

Santacruz Silver Mining buys the mining company, Sinchi Wayra S.A., for USD 110 million

 August 23, 2022

The Canadian company, Santa Cruz Silver Mining, completed the purchase of the company, Minera Sincho Wayra, for a value of USD 110 million, with which the investors indicated that they seek to consolidate a long-term relationship with Bolivia. With this purchase, the investment firm becomes one of the leading silver producers on the continent. According to the representative of the Canadian company's shareholders, Arturo Préstamo, the operation shows that they believe in Bolivian mining since they consider that it has a very prosperous future and that this is the main reason for investing.


Source: El Deber

YPFB forecasts USD 400 million in income from the sales of urea 

 August 22, 2022

According to the President of Bolivian Fiscal Oilfields (YPFB), Armin Dorgathen, after the resumption of operations at the Ammonia and Urea Plant (PAU) in Bulo Bulo, Cochabamba, income from the sales of nitrogenous fertilizers will reach up to USD 400 million by the end of the year. The executive of the State's oil company explained that "the goal is to be able to reach USD 400 million by the end of this year, and we are already producing 2,100 tons per day." Likewise, he highlighted that the price of urea in the international market is currently around USD 600 per ton. 


Source: El Diario

Arce's government affirms that the country's electricity generation is guaranteed until 2030 

 August 22, 2022

The Bolivian government reported that it is developing projects to replace the use of fossil sources in Bolivia and that the generation of electricity for the country is guaranteed for the next eight years. "Today, Bolivia has an installed capacity in terms of generation that can guarantee the country's energy security for the next eight years, i.e., that our national energy security in terms of electricity is fully guaranteed," said the Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy, Franklin Molina, during the presentation of Bolivia's Solar and Wind Atlas. 


Source: El Deber

Budget approved for more than BOB 1 billion for governorates and municipalities 

 August 19, 2022

The National Fund for Regional Development (FNDR), an entity under the supervision of the Ministry of Planning, approved USD 160 million (BOB 1,105 million) in funds for governorates, municipalities, and other Autonomous Territorial Entities (ETAs). The resources will guarantee the execution of projects and promote public investment. According to the General Director of the FNDR, Edson Valda, USD 134 million (BOB 925.5 million) corresponds to the Support Trust for the Reactivation of Public Investment (FARIP), USD 15 million (BOB 105 million) to the entities’ programs, and USD 10 million (BOB 75 million) to the Public Investment Projects Trust (PIP). 


Source: El Diario

CAF to finance 85% of the first section of the Escoma-Charazani highway 

 August 19, 2022

The Andean Development Corporation (CAF) approved a US$53 million loan to Bolivia to finance 85% of the first section of the Escoma-Charazani highway in La Paz. In detail, the section of the road to be funded by the CAF will extend 42.3 kilometers, a part of the first section of the Escoma-Charazani highway, which is also part of Bolivia's Fundamental Road Network (RVF). According to studies, the cost of the first section will be USD 63 million, and the whole road will require an investment of USD 153 million. 


Source: El Diario

Various restrictions on lithium exploitation stifle production 

 August 18, 2022

According to El Diario and information provided by international media companies, based on consultations with experts, the nationalization of lithium exploitation and the restrictions on how it is exploited could lead to the "suffocation" of production, and the region could lose ground due to the creation of State companies. On the other hand, at the end of July, Chile and Argentina announced a future trilateral meeting with Bolivia to advance with the joint production of lithium to elaborate a common governance strategy. It is important to note that Chile is currently one of the largest producers of lithium, with large reserves concentrated in the north of the country. 


Source: El Diario

Bolivia's IBCE forecasts that the country will achieve record exports by the end of the year 

 August 18, 2022

The Bolivian Institute of Foreign Trade's (IBCE) President, Gary Rodriguez, said the country would achieve a record in exports by the end of 2022. According to the IBCE's data, from January to June 2022, the country exported around USD 6,963 million. In detail, the entity stated that in that period, the country's main shipment was natural gas with USD 1,428 million, followed by gold with USD 1,397 million, and soybeans and derivatives with USD 1,144 million. In this regard, Rodriguez pointed out that Santa Cruz was the department that exported the most from Bolivia in the first semester of the year, with USD 2.219 million. 


Source: La Razón

The drop in gas production may affect the country's electricity supply 

 August 17, 2022

Currently, Santa Cruz is the largest energy consumer in Bolivia. According to analysts, the country should start forecasting to guarantee the supply of electricity in the medium and long term. According to the authorities, the current regulations must be adjusted to allow the change of the energy matrix with profitable alternative projects, including generating electricity with garbage. In addition, with the sustained drop in national gas production due to the decline of gas fields, the absence of favorable results in hydrocarbon exploration, and the growing demand for energy in the domestic market, it is uncertain whether there will be sufficient volumes of gas in the future for the generation of electricity with that fuel. 


Source: El Deber

Bolivia's cargo has grown by 15% in the port of Arica compared to the last five years 

 August 17, 2022

The General Manager of Empresa Portuaria Arica, Rodrigo Pinto, said that during the first seven months of the year, Bolivia's cargo through the port of Arica in Chile increased by 15%. According to Pinto, the figures indicate the importance of the port of Arica for the country's exports. In this regard, the Manager emphasized that the increase in exports through the port was due to the port's logistic efficiency; he also highlighted an increase of 87% in Bolivia's mineral exports through the port. 


Source: El Diario

Governor Camacho was invited to participate in a meeting with the INE 

 August 16, 2022

The Minister of Development Planning, Sergio Cusicanqui, announced that the Governor of Santa Cruz, Fernando Camacho, had been summoned to participate in the technical meeting that the National Institute of Statistics (INE) held with representatives of the Municipality of Santa Cruz and the Gabriel René Moreno University (UAGRM). Cusicanqui confirmed the invitation to the departmental authority to be part of the meeting scheduled for today between technical teams from the INE, the Santa Cruz Mayor's Office, and the UAGRM. "Although Departmental Autonomous Governments were not initially contemplated, we are calling the governor of Santa Cruz to participate in today's meeting (on August 15th) and thus start technical dialogues," said the Minister. 


Source: El Diario

Argentina paid USD 539 million for gas purchases between January and May of 2022 

 August 16, 2022

The President of Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB), Armin Dorgathen, said that Argentina had paid a total of USD 539 million between January and May 2022 to purchase natural gas. In detail, Dorgathen pointed out that in that period, gas sales to Argentina were carried out at USD 20 per million British Thermal units (BTU) and that 14 million cubic meters per day (MMm3d) of natural gas were sold. In this context, the state-owned company, YPFB, indicated that to date, it has six contracts signed for purchasing and selling natural gas to Argentina. 


Source: La Razón 

In the first half of the year, Bolivia's industrial sector generated more than 51% of the country's exports 

 August 15, 2022

In the first semester of this year, Bolivia's industrial sector generated more than 51% of the country's exports, accompanied by a trade balance surplus, a growth of almost 3.7% in the registration of new industries, achieving a 20% demand for credit from the financial system, generating 17% of tax revenues, and contributing with 16% of the Gross Domestic Product. These figures were provided by the President of the National Chamber of Industries (CNI), Pablo Camacho. "They reflect the daily effort of Bolivian industrialists to reactivate the economy, generate employment and move towards formality," said Camacho, while insisting on advancing in talks with the public sector to achieve "more integration and more productivity." 


Source: Página Siete

The Bolivian government expects exports worth USD 13 billion in 2022 

 August 15, 2022

Bolivia's Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade and Integration, Benjamín Blanco, confirmed that the country has worked hard and that 2022 "will be the year of exports." In this sense, Blanco foresees that Bolivia will exceed USD 13,000 million in exports in 2022 due to the good indicators evidenced in foreign trade, which reported USD 7,012 million up to June. In detail, the main sales of raw materials were due to good prices in international markets. However, economists and experts warn of a possible global recession, in which the leading economies, including China, the United States, Europe, and Japan, could enter. 


Source: El Diario

The World Bank will support Bolivia's rural producers

 August 12, 2022

The World Bank approved a USD 300 million loan that will benefit nearly 130,000 families from rural communities and producers in Bolivia. These funds will contribute to increasing food security, market access, and the country's adoption of intelligent agricultural practices. The main beneficiaries of the Innovation Project for Resilient Food Systems (Rural Alliances – PAR III) will be at least 1,000 community associations that will seek to reduce vulnerability to food insecurity, both water and chronic, through small-scale investments in infrastructure and services and improvement of nutrition, inserting technology in agricultural activity and training to manage it.


Source: El Diario

Remittances reached USD 724 million in the first half of 2022

 August 12, 2022

The Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB) stated that remittances to the country up to July reached USD 724 million, an increase of 5.9% compared to 2021. In detail, the BCB indicated that Spain ranked first in remittances to Bolivia with 30.8% of the total, followed by Chile with 23.3%, the United States with 19.9%, Brazil with 5.5%, and Argentina with 5.3%. According to the BCB in a statement, remittances in the country promote savings, investment, and financial inclusion.


Source: El Diario

Montenegro: the scenario for the fall in Bolivia's NIRs is complex 

 August 11, 2022

According to Bolivia's Minister of Economy and Public Finance, Marcelo Montenegro, the falling rate of the country's Net International Reserves (NIR) has decreased, and inflation has indeed increased, but at controlled levels. Regarding the pressure on the Bolivian currency due to the fall of the NIRs, the Minister explained that the pressure was much lower in these last two years than in other governments. Furthermore, Montenegro clarified that the country's NIRs are not for savings purposes, as some analysts say, but a stock, which can come from exports and remittances. He also explained that it is a complex scenario that the government knows how to "weather" to provide stability to the Bolivian people. 


Source: El Deber

Tax revenues from the oil sector increased by 26.8% 

 August 11, 2022

The President of the National Tax Service (SIN), Mario Cazón, pointed out that between January and July 2022, the country's total tax collection reached BOB 26,776 million. According to Cazón, the increase in tax collection was due to "the measures applied by the national government since November 2020 to encourage domestic demand and reactivate the Bolivian economy." In detail, the sector that collected the most taxes was the oil sector, with a contribution of BOB 4,964 million, which reflects a growth of 26.8% in collection compared to the same period in 2021. 


Source: Economy

The decrease in international reserves puts the value of the Bolivian currency at risk 

 August 10, 2022

Although the last devaluation of the boliviano was on November 2nd, 2011, the constant fall of the Net International Reserves (NIR) puts the value of the Bolivian currency at risk. According to the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB), the NIRs, as of December 2018, totaled USD 8.9 billion, and as of July 22nd, 2022, they fell to USD 4.3 billion. According to various Bolivian analysts, this could play against and generate problems for the current price of the boliviano. The Bolivian economist, Jaime Dunn, stressed that the NIRs represent Bolivia's savings. At the same time, it is the guarantee, in terms of value, for the national currency. 


Source: El Deber

Bolivia's second urea plant will cost USD 1,295 million, 35% more than the first 

 August 10, 2022

The Bolivian State's company, Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB), indicated that the country's second ammonia and urea plant would require an investment of around USD 1,295, which is 35% more than the investment needed for the first plant with a cost of USD 960 million. The plant would become the most significant investment in Bolivia's history and require about 18% of the country's current gas demand. After completion, the plant could produce fertilizers and petrochemical products and would have the capacity to produce between 2,100 and 4,000 tons per day. 


Source: El Deber

The Boliviano is one of the currencies that has not depreciated sharply against the dollar

 August 09, 2022

Among the Latin American countries that are safe from the generalized devaluation in the region are Bolivia, Peru, and Brazil. However, unlike Brazil, Bolivia is not supported by a trade surplus with large amounts of exports. According to José Espinoza, the former Director of the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB), "a large part of the liabilities of the country's financial system are classified in Bolivianos. Therefore, a devaluation now would be of little use to many of the financial system's actors, and private market agents are committed to maintaining the exchange rate."


Source: Bloomberg en Linea

Arce meets with Boric and Fernández with an agenda focused on the economy

 August 09, 2022

Bolivia's President Luis Arce traveled to Colombia over the weekend to attend the inauguration of Colombian President Gustavo Petro. During the trip, President Arce held bilateral meetings with the President of Chile, Gabriel Boric, and the President of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, to discuss issues related to transportation, trade, energy, and mining. After the meetings with Boric, President Arce said, "We will promote procedures to make free transit more agile, strengthen trade through the Port of Arica and fight smuggling and human trafficking together."


Source: El Deber

Petrobras signs a modification to the gas export contract signed with YPFB 

 August 08, 2022

The Brazilian company, Petrobras, signed a new modification of the contract to purchase natural gas with Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB). The document takes into account Bolivia's availability of energy. The signed modification refers to the profile of YPFB's delivery commitments of the volumes of gas contracted by Petrobras, based on YPFB's current availability and the contracts entered into by it with other agents in the gas market. In addition, the modification provides for the maintenance of the maximum contracted volume of 20 MMm3/day, with flexible delivery and reception depending on seasonality and supply availability.   


Source: El Deber

Bolivia’s accumulated inflation rate up to July is 1.58% 

 August 08, 2022

According to the National Institute of Statistics (INE), Bolivia’s accumulated inflation rate up to July 2022 was 1.58%, while the accumulated Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the same period in 2021 was 0.44%. Regarding July, the monthly inflation rate was 0.39%, while it was 0.15% last year. According to the INE’s data, the products and services that became more expensive in July were chicken meat, interdepartmental transportation by bus, laundry detergent, onions, potatoes, and carrots. 


Source: Money

Tax collection grew by 22.3% up to July 2022 

 August 05, 2022

According to the President of the National Tax Service (SIN), Mario Cazón, Bolivia’s tax collection grew by 22.3%, between January and July 2022, compared to the same period last year, thanks to the government’s measures to boost domestic demand and reactivate the Bolivian economy. This figure implies that up to the seventh month of this year, IM collection reached USD 3,105 million (BOB 21,326.5 million), and in the same period of 2021, USD 2,539 million (BOB 17,444.4 million), with a positive variation of 22.3%.         


Source: Economy

Bolivia’s exports grew by 38% in the first half of the year 

 August 05, 2022

The National Institute of Statistics (INE) indicated that in the first half of 2022, Bolivia had exported USD 7,012 million, an increase of 38% compared to the same period of the previous year. According to the INE, this increase in exports was due to the increase in agricultural, livestock, hunting, forestry, and fishing activities in the country (105.8%); hydrocarbon extraction (34.3%); mineral extraction (22.0%), and the manufacturing industry (43.3%). 


Source: Economy

Lithium Carbonate Industrial Plant faces fourth delay

 August 04, 2022

Bolivia's Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy, Franklin Molina, announced that there was a delay in the beginning of operations of the Lithium Carbonate Industrial Plant due to a problem in the completion of the water treatment plant. According to the Minister, the project will be extended until June 2023. For its part, the State's company, Yacimientos del Litio Bolivianos (YLB), indicated on several occasions that tests have already begun at the complex; however, it pointed out, "The tests, start-up, and industrial operation of the Lithium Carbonate Plant depend on the conclusion of the Water Treatment Plant." 


Source: El Deber

Fuel imports exceed gas exports for the third consecutive month 

 August 04, 2022

According to reports from the National Institute of Statistics, since April of this year, the value of diesel and gasoline imports has exceeded the value of Bolivia's natural gas exports. Likewise, they confirmed the decline of the country's oil fields and the lower production level of liquid hydrocarbons. In this regard, fuel imports totaled USD 1,772.5 million from January to June, while external gas sales accumulated USD 1,428.1 million. During the first case, they increased by 143.1% compared to the same period in 2021, while in the second case, they grew by 35.4%.  


Source: El Deber


Challenges phase begins in the selection process for the country's Comptroller General 

 August 3, 2022

The President of the Chamber of Deputies, Freddy Mamani Laura, announced that the commission in charge of the selection process of applicants for the position of Comptroller General of the State resumed its activities as of the last day of the challenges phase. At a press conference, Mamani reported on the resumption of legislative work in the ALP, giving continuity to one of the pending tasks, selecting a new head of the Comptroller General's Office. "We are back, and the mixed commission is restarting the work on this issue of the call to institutionalize the position of Comptroller General of the State; in that sense, we are now in the eighth phase, referring to the challenges," said Mamani. 


Source: El Diario

YPFB will build a second urea plant to meet demands from neighboring countries

 August 3, 2022

The Bolivian State's company, Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB), announced the construction of a second urea plant to meet the demands of neighboring countries. In this regard, the company stated that "Peru, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay have requested urea from us. Even countries further north, Panama, Ecuador, and Colombia have also requested the product since our urea plant is one of the plants with the best technology in Latin America, making the product highly demanded." Thus, the President of YPFB, Armin Dorgathen, pointed out that in the first half of the year, the State's company had revenues of approximately USD 160 million.


Source: Economy

Anapo forecasts a 39% reduction in wheat harvest yield by the end of 2022 compared to 2019

 August 2, 2022

According to the Association of Oilseed and Wheat Producers (ANAPO), this year, there will be a 39% reduction in the wheat harvest yield due to climatic effects, mainly drought. “Due to the drought, crop yields have been gradually reduced, which means less wheat is harvested per hectare, and the cereal supply for the national market is reduced. In 2020, the harvest yield was 1.97 tons per hectare, while in 2021, only 1.44 tons were achieved. This year, it is projected that there will be a yield of close to between 1 and 1.2 tons per hectare,” the association reported in a statement.


Source: La Razón

Bolivia plans to receive USD 3,000 million for gas sales and USD 100 million for LPG

 August 2, 2022

The President of Bolivian Fiscal Oilfields (YPFB), Armin Dorgathen, announced that at the end of 2022, the country would receive nearly USD 3,000 million from natural gas exports and USD 100 million from the sales of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). In this sense, Dorgathen pointed out that the increase in income from gas exports is due to the rise in raw materials in the international market. In addition, he indicated that in the first half of the year, the country generated around USD 1,400 million from exporting natural gas.


Source: Economy

Argentina and Bolivia to begin work on applying nuclear energy in agriculture, industry, and mining

 August 1, 2022

Bolivia and Argentina decided to develop scientific, technical, and academic collaboration activities to use nuclear energy in the areas of health, agriculture, industry, and mining, among others. This decision materialized in the signing of a Cooperation Agreement between the state-owned Bolivian Nuclear Energy Agency (ABEN) and the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA). The agreement establishes that both entities may develop inter-institutional activities in the areas of basic and applied research, human resources training, and nuclear technology applications. The Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy, Franklin Molina, pointed out that the agreement aims to use this technology to strengthen Bolivia’s agricultural production. 


Source: El Deber

Lithium plant has been delayed for three years

 August 1, 2022

According to public documents and different statements, the Lithium Carbonate Industrial Plant construction, which an association of Chinese companies is carrying out for USD 101 million, is three years behind schedule. In this sense, analysts have warned that there is an economic opportunity cost of losing the opportunity to sell lithium carbonate at today's high prices. Meanwhile, YLB reported that the plant is at least 87% complete and will be ready by the end of this year.


Source: Los Tiempos

The Andean Community demands that Bolivia lift restrictions on Peru’s agricultural imports 

 July 28, 2022

According to Peru’s Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur), the General Secretariat of the Andean Community (SGCAN) ruled in favor of the country by qualifying the measures that Bolivia has been imposing on exports of vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, onions, carrots, avocados, lemons, grapes, and cherimoyas) from Peru, as restrictive. Last December 2021, Mincetur requested that the Andean Community initiate an investigation in response to the request by Peruvian producers and exporters, requiring that the regional body rule in its favor on the restrictive measures imposed by the Bolivian government. 


Source: El Deber

Bolivia's Net International Reserves have fallen by 11% so far in 2022

 July 28, 2022

According to data from the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB), the country's Net International Reserves (RIN) continue to decline. In detail, between January and July 2022, Bolivia's NIRs have fallen by 11.2%, from USD 4,752 million to USD 4,219 million. For his part, the Minister of Economy and Public Finance, Marcelo Montenegro, defended the robustness of the NIRs and maintained, "our level of reserves currently provide for more than four or five months of imports; the first thing to consider." In this sense, international standards indicate that international reserves must cover three months of imports.


Source: La Razon

Chile and Argentina want to meet with Bolivia to manage joint lithium production projects 

 July 27, 2022

Chile and Argentina announced a future trilateral meeting with Bolivia to advance toward joint lithium production projects. According to what was stated by the Trans-Andean Ministry of Relations, the idea is to develop a "common governance strategy." 


Source: El Deber

Mamani rules out moving the Census forward to 2023  

 July 27, 2022

The President of the Chamber of Deputies, Freddy Mamani, ruled out the possibility of carrying out the National Population and Housing Census in 2023 due to the rescheduling of the Census by the members of the National Council of Autonomies (CNA). 


Source: El Diario

The Bolivian government seeks to energize hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation 

 July 15, 2022

Bolivia’s Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy, Franklin Molina, reported that five draft authorization requests for five new Petroleum Services Contracts (CSP) were submitted to the Legislative Branch, which aims to advance in the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons in the Santa Cruz, Chuquisaca, and Tarija regions. According to Minister Molina, developing the projects would allow the areas to generate around USD 1,700 million in oil income. In this sense, the projects are part of the Upstream Reactivation Plan of the State’s company, Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB). 


Source: Ahora El Pueblo

Bolivia reinforces controls on the border with Argentina to stop smuggling 

 July 15, 2022

Faced with the fall of the Argentine peso, the prices of products have dropped and entered the national market. Given this, the National Customs, in coordination with the State’s institutions, reinforced controls on the border between Bolivia and Argentina. The devaluation of the Argentine currency will imply an increase in smuggling into Bolivian territory since the prices of products fell, and every day that passes by, the value changes, and therefore the merchants of the neighboring country have begun to accumulate them. Given this situation, the Tarijeño market has been affected, and the producers of wines, singani, and grapes feel the effects of smuggling because the national situation is not stable either. 


Source: El Diario

YPFB paid USD 520 million in taxes during the first half of 2022

 July 14, 2022

The Bolivian state-owned company, Yacimientos Petrolíferes Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB), reported that in the first half of the year, it had paid around BOB 3,582 million in taxes (USD 520 million).


Source: La Razón

Using trains could optimize the logistics for lithium exports 

 July 14, 2022

According to the international consultant on lithium issues, José de Castro, using trains is the ideal way to optimize the logistics for transporting lithium carbonate and sodium carbonate to global markets since it significantly improves transport costs, reduces CO2 pollution, and contributes to the fulfillment of itineraries, among other advantages.


Source: La Razón

El Salvador
El Salvador

Lithium Carbonate Plant to be inaugurated

 December 12, 2023

The Lithium Carbonate Industrial Plant in Uyuni-Potosí has commenced production trials and is scheduled for inauguration in the coming days by the President of Bolivia, Luis Arce Catacora, according to the Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy, Franklin Molina. The plant, now in the production trial stage, is set to be inaugurated by President Arce after a prolonged process of reconfiguration and construction. The Lithium Carbonate Industrial Plant entered the stabilization phase in November, initiating trials for the production of this compound, which is highly sought after in the international market for manufacturing lithium-ion batteries. Situated in the Yacimientos de Litio Bolivianos (YLB) Industrial Complex in the municipality of Colcha K, south of the Uyuni Salt Flat, the plant required an investment of over USD 94 million. Construction began in 2019 with the aim of producing 15,000 tons of lithium carbonate annually. Despite initial delays and technical difficulties, the project underwent restructuring, and Bolivia anticipates entering the international market with high-purity lithium carbonate, generating economic revenues for the country.



Source: El Diario

Legislative Assembly has USD 521 million of credits pending approval

 December 12, 2023

At least USD 521 million in credits for irrigation, road, and emergency response programs are awaiting approval in the Plurinational Legislative Assembly (ALP), reported Sergio Cusicanqui, the Minister of Planning for Development. Bolivia's ongoing debt accumulation is due to a lack of government-generated resources, and this trend is expected to continue, with plans to secure external credits exceeding $4 billion in the coming years. Additionally, the government aims to sell $2 billion in sovereign bonds, but this prospect is uncertain due to the country's high credit risk rating. As of September, Bolivia's debt has surpassed $13 billion, and if the pending loans in the assembly are consolidated, this figure will increase. The funds are intended for various projects, including the construction of a new Mi Teleférico line in La Paz, a watershed-focused program, the construction of the dual Confital-Bombeo highway, the development of eight lanes in the Senkata-Apacheta section in El Alto, and an emergency response program for the effects of Covid-19. Minister Cusicanqui expressed regret over the legislative delays, affecting not only national government projects but also those of local governments. Minister of Defense Edmundo Novillo criticized the selective paralysis of economic projects in the legislature by opposition parties, stating that it obstructs initiatives related to economic recovery and public investment.


Source: El Diario

The BCB attributes the decrease in International Reserves to four factors

 December 06, 2023

The Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB) attributes the decrease in Net International Reserves (NIR) to several factors, including the lack of investment in the hydrocarbons sector in previous administrations, the fuel subsidy, the lack of approval of foreign loans and the payment of public foreign debt. NIR fell to $2,147 million in August, the lowest level in 17 years. Despite this, the BCB implemented measures to maintain stability and strengthen the NIR, such as the purchase of gold and the prospect of income from investment projects and industrialization policies.


Source: La Razón

Bolivia seeks to be a transit country between CAN and Mercosur

 December 06, 2023

Following Bolivia's full accession to the Southern Common Market (Mercosur), the country has a period to adjust to its rules, seeking economic and social benefits. Bolivia will become an important link between the Andean Community (CAN) and Mercosur, prioritizing transportation and becoming a transit zone, according to the Vice Minister of Foreign Trade, Benjamín Blanco. The declaration was made in the framework of Mercosur accession, awaiting official confirmation at Thursday's summit in Brazil. Bolivia will be the only country member of both blocks, CAN and Mercosur, strengthening its strategic position in the heart of South America and being the point of convergence between both blocks. In particular, the potential in transportation is highlighted, with plans to become a transit country for goods between the Atlantic and the Pacific, promoting integration through the railroad and taking advantage of Mercosur's linkages and supply of inputs.


Source: El Diario

Malaysian state-owned oil company showed its intention to invest in Bolivia 

 September 30, 2022

The President of Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB), Armin Dorgathen, informed that the Malaysian state-owned hydrocarbon company, Petronas, is showing interest in carrying out investment projects in Bolivia. After the meetings with Petronas executives, YPFB's President said, "With the Petronas executive, we talked about opportunities in exploration and investment projects in Bolivia. This meeting coincides with YPFB's internationalization plans." In this regard, Dorgathen assured that the state-owned company plans to expand internationally and enter the natural gas market. 


Source: La Razón

The BCB highlights the financial system's stability and resilience 

 September 30, 2022

The Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB), through its Financial Stability Report - July 2022, highlighted the solidity, stability, and resilience of the Bolivian financial system in the face of possible adverse shocks. Along these lines, the issuing entity highlighted that a more significant activity of financial intermediation was reflected in an improvement in the system's profitability, access, and coverage indicators. Likewise, the institution highlighted that profits reached BOB 775 million, with an increase of 46% compared to June 2021. According to the document, the first semester of this year was characterized by an uncertain global macroeconomic environment, mainly due to the appearance of new variants of COVID-19 and the war between Ukraine and Russia.


Source: El Deber.

Producer Price Index registered an increase of 0.15% in August 2022 

 September 29, 2022

The National Statistics Institute (INE) stated that the Producer Price Index (IPP) registered an increase of 0.15% in August compared to the previous month. In this sense, the accumulated variation of the PPI up to August grew by 1.01% and inter-annually by 0.37%. According to the INE, the increase in the PPI in August was driven by the prices of the manufacturing, agricultural, livestock, mining, and natural gas industries. 


Source: Economy

The Bolivian government prohibits industries from using gas to generate electricity and prioritizes exports 

 September 29, 2022

Bolivian industries will stop receiving gas to generate their electricity. In this regard, the government gave them a year to connect to the National Interconnected System and allocate the gas for export purposes. According to various analysts, this measure will threaten national production and the pockets of the population. The announcement was made known through Decree 4749, which allows the use of gas for companies to transform raw materials into elaborated producers but no longer to generate their electricity. In addition, it establishes that the volumes of natural gas that users in the industrial category stop consuming will be destined by YPFB for the market that generates the best income for the State. 


Source: El Deber

YPFB, YLB, and ENDE meet obligations with the BCB within the established deadlines 

 September 28, 2022

According to the Monetary Policy Report as of July 2022 of the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB), the National Electricity Company (ENDE), Bolivian Lithium Deposits (YLB), and Bolivian Fiscal Oil Deposits (YPFB) paid their obligations to the issuing entity within the established periods. The BCB, according to information from ABI, disbursed ENDE BOB 661 million. Likewise, the issuing entity reported that ENDE, YLB, and YPFB made amortizations of capital and interest, complying with the established schedules, which implies the timely payment of the amounts corresponding to the capital and the interest of credits granted to them. 


Source: Economy

Urea and LPG trade balance registers a surplus of USD 142.62 million 

 September 28, 2022

The state-owned company, Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB), reported that between January and August, the trade balance associated with the commercialization of Urea and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) registered a surplus of USD 142.6 million. According to the entity's projections, this trade surplus will continue to increase until the end of 2022. In this regard, the President of Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB), Armin Dorgathen, attributed the surplus to the increases in the prices of commodities in the international market due to the war between Russia and Ukraine. In this sense, Dorgathen stated, " 2022 has been an atypical period in the behavior of foreign trade associated with hydrocarbons." 


Source: El Diario

Daniel Campos Province's committee proposes a new royalty regime for lithium exploitation  

 September 27, 2022

The Pro Interests Committee of the residents of the Province of Daniel Campos in the Department of Potosí proposed a bill related to the exploitation of lithium in the country. The "Lithium and Evaporite Resources Law" stipulates establishing the first legal framework in the country for the exploration, exploitation, and industrialization of lithium. In this regard, the law considers establishing a tax system for lithium and its derivatives. According to Bolivian government sources, the bill was drafted to set the rules for the industrialization of lithium in Bolivia. 


Source: El Diario

YPFB reportedly ignored an offer for ethanol at 50% of the price of gasoline  

 September 27, 2022

After it became known that from January to July of this year, Bolivia imported fuels worth USD 2,274 million, exceeding the USD 2,250 million registered in 2021, from the Aguaí Sugar and Alcohol Mill, President Cristóbal Roda revealed that the State’s oil company, YPFB, and the Ministry of Hydrocarbons and Energy had ignored an offer to sell 50 million liters of ethanol, in addition to the current contract. Roda explained that the proposal was made through a note addressed to the President of YPFB and copied to the Minister of Energy and Hydrocarbons in May and August this year. 


Source: El Deber

The banking sector's profits grew by 32.5% up to August

 September 26, 2022

According to official data, financial intermediation entities between January and August of this year recorded an increase of 32.5% in their profits compared to 2021. Up to the eighth month of last year, financial entities achieved a profit of BOB 808 million, and by August 2022, that figure was already BOB 1,071 million. The Director of the Financial System Supervision Authority (Asfi), Reynaldo Yujra, explained that the profits registered by the financial entities reflect the country's economic stability, despite the problems that exist abroad.


Source: La Razón

Public management expects that the pension system will reach USD 26 billion in savings by 2025

 September 26, 2022

Jaime Durán Chuquimia, the General Manager of the Public Management of Long Term Social Security, spoke about the current pension situation in Bolivia and the transition between the two Pension Fund Administrators (AFP) and the Public management. He also referred to the reason for this migration and evaluated these first days of operation under the government's control. He also shared the institution's objectives. Durán indicated that until September of this year, the pension system's savings exceeded USD 23 billion. "By 2025, we expect to exceed USD 26 billion because, in Bolivia's integral pension system, we have had a significant growth in the savings of workers and companies," he said.  


Source: La Razón

Bolivia's government invests more than USD 960 million in lithium industrialization

 September 23, 2022

Bolivia's Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy, Franklin Molina, stated that the Bolivian government had invested around USD 960 million to industrialize lithium in the country. In this regard, Molina emphasized that "Bolivia is already entering into the realm of companies that are currently listed among the five countries that will be among the main lithium producers as of next year." He added, "our social, economic development plan has defined that we can have a production goal of 40,000 tons by 2025."


Source: La Razón

President Arce proposes to prioritize a global plan to face the food crisis

 September 23, 2022

During the 77th session of the United Nations Organization (UN), President Luis Arce Catacora raised, among one of his 14 proposals, the urgency of prioritizing a global food sovereignty program to face the food crisis that has been caused due to the COVID-19 pandemic and armed conflicts.

"We held a meeting with the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, to whom we raised the urgency of prioritizing a Global Food Sovereignty Program to effectively confront the food crisis that arose from the pandemic and armed conflicts," said President Arce on social media networks.


Source: El Diario

Bolivia obtains more than BOB 287 million in potassium and lithium sales, according to YLB

 September 22, 2022

According to the Director of the Bolivian State’s company, Yacimientos de Litio Bolivianos (YLB), Carlos Ramos, to date, more than BOB 287 million has been generated from the sales of potassium chloride (agro fertilizer) and lithium carbonate (raw material to manufacture batteries) to the national and international markets.
Likewise, he pointed out that taking into account that this amount has beed obtained so far this year, it is projected to market around BOB 500 million until the end of this year. In addition, Ramos added that Bolivia has significant lithium reserves and will face industrialization through pilot and industrial scale plants in the Department of Potosí.


Source: Economy

Bolivia with a 'B' grade and a stable outlook in 2022

 September 22, 2022

Fitch Ratings announced that it maintained Bolivia's country risk rating at "B" with a "Stable" outlook; it should be noted that the rating grade was held for the second consecutive year. Following the announcement, the agency stated that it expects the country's deficit to be reduced by the end of 2022, which the agency attributed to the efficiency of the country's public administration, increases in the Bolivian government's tax collection, and increases in Bolivian exports. Additionally, the agency remarked that Bolivia has one of the lowest inflation levels in the region.


Source: La Razon

Bolivia's Lithium carbonate industrial plant to start up in the second quarter of 2023

 September 21, 2022

The President of Yacimientos de Litio Bolivianos (YLB), Carlos Ramos, stated that the lithium carbonate industrial plant in the department of Uyuni will start operations in the second quarter of 2023. According to Ramos, the plant will have an estimated production of 2,500 tons of lithium carbonate. In this sense, the Bolivian government forecasts that after the complete industrialization of lithium, the country will have a production capacity of 15,000 tons per year. In this regard, Ramos highlighted that "six companies are preparing technical, economic proposals to be able to support YLB in the first stage exploitation of lithium carbonate and industrialization."


Source: La Razon

Tax collection has risen by 22.5% so far in 2022

 September 21, 2022

According to the National Tax Service (SIN), between January and August, Bolivia's collection for the economic sector rose to BOB 30,252 million, 22.5% more than in the similar period of 2021, when the amount collected was BOB 24,694 million. The President of the SIN, Mario Cazón, explained that this increase represented a rise in the collection of BOB 5,558.1 million, "thanks to the government's measures to reactivate domestic demand and rebuild the Bolivian economy."

Among the sectors that collected the most are crude oil and natural gas, which reported a collection of BOB 4,533.6 million (as of August 2021) and an increase of up to BOB 5,759.3 million (as of August 2022), with a positive variation of 27% (BOB 1,225.7 million).


Source: Economy

Public Administrator to manage a USD 23,240 million fund 

 September 20, 2022

The Public Administrator of the Social Security will manage a fund of USD 23,240 million, which currently remains in the hands of Future Pension Fund Administrators (AFP) and the BBVA. This amount corresponds to the insured individuals' contributions to the Comprehensive Pension System (SIP) that until now was managed by these two private entities and will pass into the hands of the State.
According to data from the Pension and Insurance Supervision and Control Authority (APS), the market value of the insured individuals' contributions is USD 23,240 million, adding that these resources will be administered as of May 2023 by the new Administrator.


Source: El Deber

Evo's former Deputy Minister harshly criticizes the lithium industrialization process promoted by Arce's administration

 September 20, 2022

The former Deputy Minister of High Energy Technologies and former National Manager of Evaporite Resources of the Mining Corporation of Bolivia, Luis Alberto Echazú, questioned the administration of the President of Bolivia, Luis Arce, regarding how the industrialization of lithium is being carried out in the country. In this sense, the former Deputy Minister criticized the drain of human capital that the government had undertaken in the lithium branch and affirmed that the country is at risk of losing technological sovereignty in the processes of lithium industrialization.


Source: El Deber

The Bolivian government delivers economic incentives to camelid cattle producers

 September 19, 2022

The Deputy Minister of Rural and Agricultural Development, Álvaro Mollinedo Catari, transferred BOB 352,800 to families producing camelids in the Departments of La Paz, Oruro, and Potosí. This initiative is managed by the Pro-Camelid Program, whose objective is to encourage savings by individuals and/or groups of producers in these regions.

“We are glad they have started saving through an agreement with Banco Unión. For six months, our producers have saved around BOB 1,400, and on top of these savings, the Pro-Camelid Program gives them an incentive of BOB 1,400. In total, they already have BOB 2,400 (...) This achievement is the effort of producers and the central government to improve production and continue rebuilding our economy,” expressed Mollinedo at the granting ceremony.


Source: Ahora El Pueblo

President Arce urges work on a joint agenda to strengthen economic growth

 September 19, 2022

During the inauguration of the Santa Cruz International Fair (Expocruz), President Luis Arce urged his collaborators to work on a joint agenda to make the country progress and underpin economic growth. "We need to work together to give certainty to our population; political, economic, and social stability is a heritage of all Bolivian men and women that we must take care of (...) we need to work on a joint agenda that allows our country to progress once again," said the President. Arce also pointed out that instability and uncertainty affect all Bolivian families and negatively impact micro, small, and large companies, which lose opportunities offered by the global economy.


Source: Ahora El Pueblo

The IMF highlights ten recommendations for the Bolivian economy

 September 16, 2022

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) highlighted that while the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a tragic loss of lives in Bolivia, the economic recovery from the pandemic-driven recession has been faster than expected. After an 8.7% contraction in 2020, the economy registered a 6.1% growth in 2021, led by mining, construction, and agriculture.
Likewise, the IMF highlighted ten recommendations to maintain the economy's performance. Among the recommendations are: to maintain a reduction in poverty, make significant tax adjustments, restrict the State's expenditure, expand the tax base, lower subsidies, and make the BCB independent, among others.


Source: El Deber

Daza: Cochabamba's economy has recovered

 September 16, 2022

The Department of Cochabamba's Ministry of Economy and Public Finances pointed out the Department's potential to become an integrating, productive, industrial, and logistics center of Bolivia. In this regard, the President of the Chamber of Industry, Commerce, and Services of Cochabamba, Ramón Daza, emphasized that an extensive portfolio of projects is being promoted in the Department, ranging from industrial development to technological development. He also stated that "it is necessary to focus on the exports of food, software, services and to become the leaders in dairy production once again."


Source: Economy

BCB: "Bolivia's economic reactivation is still dynamic"

 September 15, 2022

According to the Central Bank of Bolivia's (BCB) Monetary Policy Report (IPM), as of July 2022, progress has been made in the Bolivian economy's recovery and stability process amid an international context of armed conflicts and a COVID-19 pandemic.

"Despite this adverse international context, in Bolivia, the economic reactivation maintains its dynamism, with a growth of 3.97% in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) up to the first quarter of 2022, which contrasts with the negative rate registered in the same period in 2021 (-0.61%)," highlights the report. In addition, the entity indicated that the nation's external accounts performed well.


Source: Economy

Bolivian cargo movement through Ilo exceeds 101,000 tons

 September 15, 2022

The Administration of Bolivia's Port Services (ASP-B) said that the movement of Bolivian cargo through the port of Ilo exceeded 101,000 million tons between January and August 2022, a year-over-year increase of 40% compared to the same period of 2021. In this regard, the Manager of ASP-B, Dante Justiniano, said, "We will continue with this work, and we will continue to ensure that all our exporters and importers have the best possibilities and alternatives so that the cargo that develops the country's internal trade achieves the expected goal."


Source: La Razón

Bolivia will build a Biodiesel-1 Plant with high-tech equipment manufactured in Europe, Asia, and Brazil

 September 14, 2022

The Biodiesel-1 Plant will be built with advanced technology equipment manufactured in Europe, Asia, Brazil, and other countries to reduce diesel imports and subsidies. The delivery of the Order to Proceed between representatives of YPFB Refining and the company, Desmet Ballestra, will make the implementation of the complex feasible. It may be highlighted that the President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Luis Arce, participated in the event. Meanwhile, Minister Molina indicated that the plant would have a production capacity of 1,500 barrels per day and stressed that this project would promote agricultural production since the raw material for these facilities is of plant origin.


Source: Bnamericas

Sales of restaurants, air transportation, and hotels increased by 49%

 September 14, 2022

Between January and July 2022, sales of restaurants, air transport, and hotels totaled USD 606 million, an increase of 49% compared to the same period in 2021, when it was USD 408 million. For the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance, these figures demonstrate the recovery of the Bolivian economy, which grew by 3.97% in the first half of the year. 
According to the National Tax Service (SIN), invoiced sales of restaurants reached USD 321 million between January and July 2022, which means a growth of 27% compared to the same period last year, when it was USD 253 million; compared with the sales recorded in the same period of 2020, the growth was 64%.


Source: La Razón

Bolivia will begin the transition to its new State pension system

 September 13, 2022

The President of Bolivia, Luis Arce, and the Minister of Economy, Marcelo Montenegro, officially initiated the activities of the Public Administrator of the Contributory and Semi-contributory Regimes of the Comprehensive Pension System, which will be the only body in the country for these matters.

Arce described this advance as "historical" in which Bolivians will no longer have to register with a private Pension Fund Administrator (AFP) but rather with the Public Administrator in charge of the Bolivian State. "Today, we are advancing in the line that our pensions gradually be administered by ourselves, the Bolivians, as it should always have been," said Arce.


Source: El Informador

Domestic demand drove the economy's growth in the first quarter

 September 13, 2022

The Minister of Economy and Public Finance, Marcelo Montenegro, stated that the country's domestic demand drove the Gross Domestic Product's (GDP) growth of 3.97% in the first quarter of the year. Accordingly, Montenegro indicated that the main sectors that drove domestic demand growth were construction, air and rail transportation, and energy. According to the Ministry of Economy and Public Finance's projections, Bolivia's GDP will expand by 5.1% in 2022.


Source: La Razón

The economy registers a 3.97% growth rate up to the first quarter of 2022

 September 12, 2022

According to the latest report issued by the National Statistics Institute (INE), Bolivia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) registered a growth rate of 3.97% during the first quarter of this year. This "fact reflects that the country has a stable economy and describes a trajectory of sustained economic recovery, as a result of the economic reactivation measures implemented," states part of the INE report.
According to the INE's report, the economic activities that registered the highest growth rates were transportation and storage, which registered a positive variation of 11.09%. Meanwhile, electricity, gas, and water reported an increase of 8.82%, and construction increased by 7.07%. 


Source: El Deber

Montenegro: "Bolivia has resources" for people to even spend "on recreation"

 September 12, 2022

Bolivia's Minister of Economy and Finance, Marcelo Montenegro, assured that the Bolivian economy is so stable that people are even spending on recreation. Montenegro made these statements to Bolivia TV, highlighting the latest report of the National Institute of Statistics (INE). The report states that the economy grew by 3.97% up to the first quarter.
"The Bolivian economy is growing with a low level of inflation, with the external sector that is registering record levels of exports, a favorable trade balance, a low unemployment rate, the lowest inflation rate in the whole region, one of the lowest in the whole world which makes many analysts ask themselves, what is the Bolivian economy doing?", he stressed.


Source: El Deber

The "0 import tariff" would allow Bolivia's production to be more competitive

 September 09, 2022

According to the Vice President of the National Chamber of Commerce (CNC), Eduardo Olivo, having a zero tariff for importing capital goods will give the private sector greater competitiveness for the country's production. According to the official, the measure will make it possible to deal with smuggling, mainly that which enters from Argentina. Due to the devaluation of its currency, a massive flow of illicit merchandise is registered in our territory. "As a (National) Chamber, we are looking for a solution, and some of the solutions could be a zero import tariff for production."


Source: La Razón

Bolivia ranks 123rd in economic freedom, according to the Fraser Institute

 September 09, 2022

Canada's Fraser Institute said that Bolivia ranked 123rd in the annual report on economic freedom in the world in 2022, while it had ranked 122nd in the index in 2021. Following the announcement, the head of the institute, Fred McMahon, said, "When jurisdictions increase taxes and regulations, people become less economically free, which means slower economic growth and less investment." According to the institute's study, countries with high levels of economic freedom have "greater prosperity, more political and civil liberties, and longer life spans."


Source: El Deber

The BCB reduces legal reserves in dollars to inject liquidity into banks

 September 08, 2022

The Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB) reduced the legal reserve for banks to have more liquidity to give loans. This decision is the seventh reduction the BCB has made in the last seven years.

The new Legal Reserve Regulation for Financial Intermediation Entities, approved by the BCB board, reduces the reserve requirement in foreign currency from 21% in 2021 to 10% in the case of cash resources and 9% in the case of negotiable instruments. Meanwhile, the reserve requirement in national currency (in bolivianos) was also reduced from 10% to 5.5% for cash and 3.5% for securities.


Source: El Deber

Census date to be set in the first quarter of 2024

 September 08, 2022

On Wednesday, the Deputy Minister of Autonomous governments, Alvaro Ruiz, announced that the date for the National Population and Housing Census had been set for the second quarter of 2024, between May and June. In this sense, Ruiz remarked that "it will be established in the first quarter of 2024, that is to say, from January to March, the specific day should be fixed. We are working on this schedule so that the census day will be established in May and June." It should be noted that the date for the Census was initially scheduled for mid-November of this year.


Source: El Diario

Prices increased, and the inflation rate stood at 1.62% in Bolivia in August

 September 07, 2022

According to the National Institute of Statistics (INE), during August, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) registered an increase of 0.04% compared to July. The accumulated variation until that month was positive, with an increase of 1.62% and 1.55% for the previous twelve months. Additionally, the institution highlighted that the rise of 0.04% of the CPI registered in August may mainly be explained by the positive variation of prices in the divisions of education, furniture, goods and domestic services, alcoholic beverages and tobacco, food and non-alcoholic beverages, housing and basic services, and food and beverages consumed outside the home.


Source: El Deber 

During his visit to Brazil, Arce announced that he would soon sign lithium industrialization contracts

 September 07, 2022

During his visit to Brazil, the President of Bolivia, Luis Arce, stated that in the coming months, the Bolivian government would sign a series of agreements for the industrialization of lithium in the country. In this sense, Arce affirmed that the government's control of the inflation rate and the sustained growth of the Bolivian economy had boosted the processes for the industrialization of lithium. In June, the Bolivian government presented the results of six international companies to develop Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) in the country. 


Source: El Deber

Bolivia reports a positive trade balance of USD 718 million with the CAN

 September 06, 2022

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade and Integration, Benjamín Blanco, stated that Bolivia achieved a trade surplus of USD 718 million with the Andean Community of Nations (CAN) in the first half of the year. In this sense, Blanco pointed out that the CAN has become the leading destination for the exports of Bolivia's non-conventional products. In detail, the Deputy Minister indicated that the country's exports to the CAN in the first half of the year reached USD 1,474 million, representing 20% of the total exports destined for the bloc.


Source: El Diario

Bolivia will also be affected by the world crisis 

 September 06, 2022

According to the World Bank’s economists, the lost decade in Latin America could be repeated. In addition, some international media companies estimate that the world economy is on the verge of recession due to the economic crisis that is approaching. Meanwhile, various Bolivian analysts point out that Bolivia is no stranger to the current situation, and the lack of liquidity is a sign. 
Economists also warn that the Bolivian government is reducing its liquidity and has been losing confidence in the capital markets, which is why it did not successfully manage to place its bonds at the beginning of this administration.      


Source: El Diario

PGE bill proposes that the BCB grant a credit of BOB 3,000 million to the Ministry of Economy

 September 05, 2022

In accordance with the 2022 General State Budget Modification Bill (PGE), the Bolivian government will resort to more internal debt, and BOB 3,000 million will be lent from the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB) in favor of the Ministry of Economy. The proposed bill states that it will be an "extraordinary credit" and that the resources will help with the "reconstruction of the national economy."

The bill, which was submitted to the Chamber of Deputies on August 30th, also proposes an additional budget of resources and expenses for public sector entities.


Source: Money

The Bolivian government reiterates that the level of indebtedness is sustainable

 September 05, 2022

The Deputy Minister of the Treasury and Public Credit, Juana Jiménez, denied the comments made by the Senator of the Citizen Community (CC), Rodrigo Paz, recalling that the level of external indebtedness in Bolivia is sustainable and is below the thresholds recommended by international organizations.

Likewise, she highlighted that thanks to the growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the economy's capacity to assume debt is greater, and the current balance of the non-financial public sector registers a surplus. The official also explained that Bolivia is in the process of reactivation and economic stability, which allows it to have a better capacity to manage external indebtedness as recommended by international organizations.


Source: Ahora El Pueblo

Gold sales set a record and reached USD 1,613 million 

 September 02, 2022

Metallic gold exports registered a historical record in July of this year. During that period, the value of metal sales reached USD 1,613 million, 39% higher than in 2021, when it reached USD 1,255.2 million.
According to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), the volume exported up to the seventh month of this year was 33.7 tons. Meanwhile, from January to July 2021, 26.7 tons were sold. Before 2022, the year that Bolivia exported the most significant amount of gold in volume and value was 2014, when 26.8 tons were sold to the foreign market for a value of USD 875 million in July of that year.


Source: La Razon

Bolivia's manufacturing industry accounts for 50% of the country's exports to the world

 September 02, 2022

The National Institute of Statistics (INE) stated that Bolivia's manufacturing industry's exports totaled US$4,155 million, or 49.7% of the country's total exports up to July 2022, with a total of US$8,274 million. As indicated by the INE, the increase in exports was due to higher exports of metallic gold, soybean products, metallic tin, gold jewelry, metallic silver, sunflower products, and beef, among others.


Source: Economy

Exports to July record trade surplus driven by raw materials

 September 01, 2022

The National Institute of Statistics (INE) said that the country's exports reached USD 8,274 million in the first half of 2022, this increase was attributed to the increase in the prices of raw materials in the international market. In this sense, the General Manager of the Bolivian Institute of Foreign Trade (IBCE), Gary Rodríguez, indicated that the country's exports grew by 36% year-on-year in the first half of the year. According to DATA from the INE, the trade balance showed a trade surplus of USD 1,287 million in that period.


Source: El Diario

Santa Cruz generates 80% of the volume and 75% of the value of Bolivia's non-traditional exports

 September 01, 2022

According to an analysis by the Bolivian Institute of Foreign Trade (IBCE) in the first half of 2022, the department of Santa Cruz produced 52% of bolivia's external sales volume and 32% of the value; In addition, they emphasize that in the segment of non-traditional products 80% of the volume and 75% of the value also have Santa Cruz origin.
According to data from the National Institute of Statistics processed by the IBCE, Santa Cruz producers contribute 32% of the value of national exports, with USD 2,219 million. It is followed by Potosí, with USD 1,536 million (22%), and La Paz, with USD 1,330 million (19%).


Source: El Deber

Arce authorizes USD 1,142 million in new foreign debt  

 August 31, 2022

On Tuesday, Bolivia's President Luis Arce announced that he had approved the acquisition of USD 1,142 million in debt. According to studies, the country's external and internal indebtedness is currently at least 78.8% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In detail, about 12 decrees were authorized by the Bolivian government to acquire debt contracts with the CAF, IDB, Fonplata, ICO, Eximba, KfW, and IFAD; to boost employment, health, water and sanitation, irrigation, climate change, roads, and energy projects, and to strengthen the State's statistical system and other public investment projects. 


Source: El Deber

YLB and IBNORCA to work on technical standardization of products 

 August 31, 2022

Bolivian Lithium Deposits (YLB) and the Bolivian Institute for Standardization and Quality (IBNORCA) have signed an Inter-institutional Agreement to establish cooperation mechanisms to carry out joint activities in the field of the technical standardization necessary for the generation of the Sector Standardization Unit (USN). It should be noted that through the State’s company, YLB, Bolivia has faced the industrialization of lithium through research and plants, and on a pilot and industrial scale of potassium chloride, lithium carbonate, and batteries in the department of Potosí. 


Source: El Diario

Ministry of Economy says that the country is starting to achieve levels reported in 2019 

 August 30, 2022

According to Bolivia's Minister of Economy, Marcelo Montenegro, with a boost in the sectors and confidence in the financial system, the country's economy is beginning to recover to levels achieved in 2019. "The reconstruction of the economy has denoted efforts by the national government to boost economic sectors, especially construction, trade, transportation, manufacturing, mining, and hydrocarbons that were being rebuilt; we are reaching the levels reported in 2019," indicated the Minister. Likewise, he highlighted the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and how it was controlled, as a fundamental part of the positive progress of the country's economic situation, given that by reducing the risk of contagion, there was also an opportunity for various economic sectors to recover. 


Source: La Razón

Montenegro: Bolivia has the payment capacity to seek more external loans  

 August 30, 2022

Bolivia's Minister of Economy and Public Finance, Marcelo Montenegro, affirmed that the country has the payment capacity to pay international organizations and stated that the government should be able to access new loans. In this sense, Montenegro pointed out that Bolivia's external public debt at the end of 2021 represented 31.2% of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Additionally, the Minister highlighted that the country has the lowest inflation rate in the region, which as of July 2022 was 1.6%. 


Source: El Deber

Arce requests oil workers to help strengthen YLB 

 August 29, 2022

President Luis Arce Catacora asked the country's oil workers to cooperate in strengthening the company Yacimientos de Litio Bolivianos (YLB) to consolidate and give a qualitative boost to the industrialization of lithium. "We are organizing ourselves so as not to leave YLB alone because it is a company that is being born, that needs the drive and experience of many of you, oil workers, electricity workers, ENDE workers, workers of our public institutions, to strengthen the work of our Yacimientos de Litio Bolivianos," said Arce, while mentioning that the country has an enormous hydrocarbon potential. However, it is necessary to consolidate industrialization and improve the country's export capacity with value-added products.  


Source: Pagina Siete

Bolivia must pay 53% more foreign debt in 2022 compared to 2021

 August 29, 2022

In 2022, the Bolivian State will have to pay USD 1,265 million for capital, interest, and commissions on its foreign debt, up to 53% more than in 2021, when USD 826 million was disbursed for the same concepts, informed the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB). In detail, USD 1,021 million (80.7%) corresponds to capital and USD 243 million (19.3%) to interest and commissions. According to the BCB’s data, external debt maintained a stable upward trend from 2008 (USD 2,505 million) to 2016 (USD 7,267 million) but began to accelerate from 2017 (USD 9,428 million) to reach USD 12,697 million in December 2021. 


Source: El Deber

Government declares imports of fuels through pipelines "of national interest"

 August 26, 2022

Bolivia's Ministry of Hydrocarbons declared "of national interest" the use of pipelines and polyducts "for the transportation of imported hydrocarbons" to reduce the cost of these operations. The decision was finalized through Ministerial Resolution 067-2022 of July 19th, 2022, which declares "the operation of oil pipelines and multi-purpose pipelines to be of national interest to the national and sector policy for the transportation of imported hydrocarbons by pipelines." The resolution is preceded by a technical report from the Ministry issued on July 12th, 2022, which explains that "although YPFB and the ANH request authorization for YPFB Transporte to use the OCY-1 pipeline (from Camiri to Yacuiba) to import hydrocarbons, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive analysis of this request."


Source: El Deber

Minister of Economy justifies CAF loan and says it will strengthen public investment 

 August 26, 2022

Bolivia's Minister of Economy and Public Finance, Marcelo Montenegro, stated that the USD 400 million in a loan granted by the Andean Development Corporation (CAF) would be used to strengthen the country's public investment. The loan has a term of 18 years, with a grace period of 5.5 years and an interest rate of 4.52%. In this context, the CAF's Executive President, Sergio Diaz, said, "This loan is aimed at contributing to the timely execution of Bolivia's public resources." In this regard, the Bolivian government projects a public investment of USD 5,015 million in the country in 2022. 


Source: El Deber

ECLAC projects growth of less than 4% for Bolivia in 2022

 August 25, 2022

The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) revealed that the Bolivian economy will grow by 3.5% in 2022. Meanwhile, the Bolivian government projects a growth of 5.1% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). For its part, the World Bank projected a growth of 3.9% for the Bolivian economy in 2022, for 2023 2.8% and for 2024 2.7%. According to ECLAC, the growth of Latin American countries will be determined by the boost of investment in the region.


Source: El Diario

Chuquisaca expects its stake in the Margarita-Huacaya gas field to increase from 25% to 55%

 August 25, 2022

According to the Chuquisaqueño legislature, Chuquisaca has a stake in three of the seven reservoirs of the Margarita-Huacaya field, specifically in those that produce the most gas. They also indicated that the new royalty and HDI distribution factor should be applied from June of this year onwards. The authorities of Tarija are resigned to the region receiving fewer resources, although they announced that they will observe the results related to one of the reservoirs. 
The technical report of the new distribution factor, carried out by the American DeGolyer & MacNaughton, was delivered to the governorates of both departments, for their respective technicians to analyze. 


Source: El Deber

According to the BCB, the External Public Debt over the GDP was reduced by 1.8% compared to 2020 

 August 24, 2022

According to what was reported by the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB), until December 31st, 2021, the External Public Debt over the GDP has been reduced by 1.8% compared to 2020. According to the official report, the balance of the country's External Public Debt reached USD 12,697.7 million, which shows, in terms of solvency, an improvement in the country's indebtedness capacity. Likewise, the report indicates that the liquidity indicator expressed in debt service on the level of exports improved from 11.1% in 2020 to 7.2% in 2021, which shows an appropriate capacity of the country to meet its commitments to creditors. 


Source: Economy

Despite records in exports and remittances, Bolivia's international reserves have not increased  

 August 24, 2022

The National Statistics Institute (INE) stated that the country's exports reached USD 7,012 million as of June, while imports totaled USD 5,792 million, which placed the country's trade balance with a surplus of USD 1,220 million. In this sense, the INE indicated that the country's remittances totaled USD 724 million in the first semester of 2022. However, despite the increase in exports and the country's remittances in the first half of the year, data from the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB) indicate that the country's international reserves decreased to USD 4,505 million in June. 


Source: El Deber

Bolivia's exports are projected to reach more than USD 13 billion in 2022

 August 23, 2022

Bolivia's Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade, Benjamín Blanco, projects that by the end of 2022, the country's exports will reach USD 13 billion and pointed out that the increase in exports may be attributed to the commercialization of manufactured goods. In this regard, the Deputy Minister highlighted, "We have grown in all export items, not only in value. Bolivia has become a more productive country, especially in higher volumes of manufacturing." In detail, Blanco pointed out that the country's manufacturing exports accounted for 51% of the total in the first half of the year, with USD 3,546 million.


Source: Economy

Santacruz Silver Mining buys the mining company, Sinchi Wayra S.A., for USD 110 million

 August 23, 2022

The Canadian company, Santa Cruz Silver Mining, completed the purchase of the company, Minera Sincho Wayra, for a value of USD 110 million, with which the investors indicated that they seek to consolidate a long-term relationship with Bolivia. With this purchase, the investment firm becomes one of the leading silver producers on the continent. According to the representative of the Canadian company's shareholders, Arturo Préstamo, the operation shows that they believe in Bolivian mining since they consider that it has a very prosperous future and that this is the main reason for investing.


Source: El Deber

YPFB forecasts USD 400 million in income from the sales of urea 

 August 22, 2022

According to the President of Bolivian Fiscal Oilfields (YPFB), Armin Dorgathen, after the resumption of operations at the Ammonia and Urea Plant (PAU) in Bulo Bulo, Cochabamba, income from the sales of nitrogenous fertilizers will reach up to USD 400 million by the end of the year. The executive of the State's oil company explained that "the goal is to be able to reach USD 400 million by the end of this year, and we are already producing 2,100 tons per day." Likewise, he highlighted that the price of urea in the international market is currently around USD 600 per ton. 


Source: El Diario

Arce's government affirms that the country's electricity generation is guaranteed until 2030 

 August 22, 2022

The Bolivian government reported that it is developing projects to replace the use of fossil sources in Bolivia and that the generation of electricity for the country is guaranteed for the next eight years. "Today, Bolivia has an installed capacity in terms of generation that can guarantee the country's energy security for the next eight years, i.e., that our national energy security in terms of electricity is fully guaranteed," said the Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy, Franklin Molina, during the presentation of Bolivia's Solar and Wind Atlas. 


Source: El Deber

Budget approved for more than BOB 1 billion for governorates and municipalities 

 August 19, 2022

The National Fund for Regional Development (FNDR), an entity under the supervision of the Ministry of Planning, approved USD 160 million (BOB 1,105 million) in funds for governorates, municipalities, and other Autonomous Territorial Entities (ETAs). The resources will guarantee the execution of projects and promote public investment. According to the General Director of the FNDR, Edson Valda, USD 134 million (BOB 925.5 million) corresponds to the Support Trust for the Reactivation of Public Investment (FARIP), USD 15 million (BOB 105 million) to the entities’ programs, and USD 10 million (BOB 75 million) to the Public Investment Projects Trust (PIP). 


Source: El Diario

CAF to finance 85% of the first section of the Escoma-Charazani highway 

 August 19, 2022

The Andean Development Corporation (CAF) approved a US$53 million loan to Bolivia to finance 85% of the first section of the Escoma-Charazani highway in La Paz. In detail, the section of the road to be funded by the CAF will extend 42.3 kilometers, a part of the first section of the Escoma-Charazani highway, which is also part of Bolivia's Fundamental Road Network (RVF). According to studies, the cost of the first section will be USD 63 million, and the whole road will require an investment of USD 153 million. 


Source: El Diario

Various restrictions on lithium exploitation stifle production 

 August 18, 2022

According to El Diario and information provided by international media companies, based on consultations with experts, the nationalization of lithium exploitation and the restrictions on how it is exploited could lead to the "suffocation" of production, and the region could lose ground due to the creation of State companies. On the other hand, at the end of July, Chile and Argentina announced a future trilateral meeting with Bolivia to advance with the joint production of lithium to elaborate a common governance strategy. It is important to note that Chile is currently one of the largest producers of lithium, with large reserves concentrated in the north of the country. 


Source: El Diario

Bolivia's IBCE forecasts that the country will achieve record exports by the end of the year 

 August 18, 2022

The Bolivian Institute of Foreign Trade's (IBCE) President, Gary Rodriguez, said the country would achieve a record in exports by the end of 2022. According to the IBCE's data, from January to June 2022, the country exported around USD 6,963 million. In detail, the entity stated that in that period, the country's main shipment was natural gas with USD 1,428 million, followed by gold with USD 1,397 million, and soybeans and derivatives with USD 1,144 million. In this regard, Rodriguez pointed out that Santa Cruz was the department that exported the most from Bolivia in the first semester of the year, with USD 2.219 million. 


Source: La Razón

The drop in gas production may affect the country's electricity supply 

 August 17, 2022

Currently, Santa Cruz is the largest energy consumer in Bolivia. According to analysts, the country should start forecasting to guarantee the supply of electricity in the medium and long term. According to the authorities, the current regulations must be adjusted to allow the change of the energy matrix with profitable alternative projects, including generating electricity with garbage. In addition, with the sustained drop in national gas production due to the decline of gas fields, the absence of favorable results in hydrocarbon exploration, and the growing demand for energy in the domestic market, it is uncertain whether there will be sufficient volumes of gas in the future for the generation of electricity with that fuel. 


Source: El Deber

Bolivia's cargo has grown by 15% in the port of Arica compared to the last five years 

 August 17, 2022

The General Manager of Empresa Portuaria Arica, Rodrigo Pinto, said that during the first seven months of the year, Bolivia's cargo through the port of Arica in Chile increased by 15%. According to Pinto, the figures indicate the importance of the port of Arica for the country's exports. In this regard, the Manager emphasized that the increase in exports through the port was due to the port's logistic efficiency; he also highlighted an increase of 87% in Bolivia's mineral exports through the port. 


Source: El Diario

Governor Camacho was invited to participate in a meeting with the INE 

 August 16, 2022

The Minister of Development Planning, Sergio Cusicanqui, announced that the Governor of Santa Cruz, Fernando Camacho, had been summoned to participate in the technical meeting that the National Institute of Statistics (INE) held with representatives of the Municipality of Santa Cruz and the Gabriel René Moreno University (UAGRM). Cusicanqui confirmed the invitation to the departmental authority to be part of the meeting scheduled for today between technical teams from the INE, the Santa Cruz Mayor's Office, and the UAGRM. "Although Departmental Autonomous Governments were not initially contemplated, we are calling the governor of Santa Cruz to participate in today's meeting (on August 15th) and thus start technical dialogues," said the Minister. 


Source: El Diario

Argentina paid USD 539 million for gas purchases between January and May of 2022 

 August 16, 2022

The President of Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB), Armin Dorgathen, said that Argentina had paid a total of USD 539 million between January and May 2022 to purchase natural gas. In detail, Dorgathen pointed out that in that period, gas sales to Argentina were carried out at USD 20 per million British Thermal units (BTU) and that 14 million cubic meters per day (MMm3d) of natural gas were sold. In this context, the state-owned company, YPFB, indicated that to date, it has six contracts signed for purchasing and selling natural gas to Argentina. 


Source: La Razón 

In the first half of the year, Bolivia's industrial sector generated more than 51% of the country's exports 

 August 15, 2022

In the first semester of this year, Bolivia's industrial sector generated more than 51% of the country's exports, accompanied by a trade balance surplus, a growth of almost 3.7% in the registration of new industries, achieving a 20% demand for credit from the financial system, generating 17% of tax revenues, and contributing with 16% of the Gross Domestic Product. These figures were provided by the President of the National Chamber of Industries (CNI), Pablo Camacho. "They reflect the daily effort of Bolivian industrialists to reactivate the economy, generate employment and move towards formality," said Camacho, while insisting on advancing in talks with the public sector to achieve "more integration and more productivity." 


Source: Página Siete

The Bolivian government expects exports worth USD 13 billion in 2022 

 August 15, 2022

Bolivia's Deputy Minister of Foreign Trade and Integration, Benjamín Blanco, confirmed that the country has worked hard and that 2022 "will be the year of exports." In this sense, Blanco foresees that Bolivia will exceed USD 13,000 million in exports in 2022 due to the good indicators evidenced in foreign trade, which reported USD 7,012 million up to June. In detail, the main sales of raw materials were due to good prices in international markets. However, economists and experts warn of a possible global recession, in which the leading economies, including China, the United States, Europe, and Japan, could enter. 


Source: El Diario

The World Bank will support Bolivia's rural producers

 August 12, 2022

The World Bank approved a USD 300 million loan that will benefit nearly 130,000 families from rural communities and producers in Bolivia. These funds will contribute to increasing food security, market access, and the country's adoption of intelligent agricultural practices. The main beneficiaries of the Innovation Project for Resilient Food Systems (Rural Alliances – PAR III) will be at least 1,000 community associations that will seek to reduce vulnerability to food insecurity, both water and chronic, through small-scale investments in infrastructure and services and improvement of nutrition, inserting technology in agricultural activity and training to manage it.


Source: El Diario

Remittances reached USD 724 million in the first half of 2022

 August 12, 2022

The Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB) stated that remittances to the country up to July reached USD 724 million, an increase of 5.9% compared to 2021. In detail, the BCB indicated that Spain ranked first in remittances to Bolivia with 30.8% of the total, followed by Chile with 23.3%, the United States with 19.9%, Brazil with 5.5%, and Argentina with 5.3%. According to the BCB in a statement, remittances in the country promote savings, investment, and financial inclusion.


Source: El Diario

Montenegro: the scenario for the fall in Bolivia's NIRs is complex 

 August 11, 2022

According to Bolivia's Minister of Economy and Public Finance, Marcelo Montenegro, the falling rate of the country's Net International Reserves (NIR) has decreased, and inflation has indeed increased, but at controlled levels. Regarding the pressure on the Bolivian currency due to the fall of the NIRs, the Minister explained that the pressure was much lower in these last two years than in other governments. Furthermore, Montenegro clarified that the country's NIRs are not for savings purposes, as some analysts say, but a stock, which can come from exports and remittances. He also explained that it is a complex scenario that the government knows how to "weather" to provide stability to the Bolivian people. 


Source: El Deber

Tax revenues from the oil sector increased by 26.8% 

 August 11, 2022

The President of the National Tax Service (SIN), Mario Cazón, pointed out that between January and July 2022, the country's total tax collection reached BOB 26,776 million. According to Cazón, the increase in tax collection was due to "the measures applied by the national government since November 2020 to encourage domestic demand and reactivate the Bolivian economy." In detail, the sector that collected the most taxes was the oil sector, with a contribution of BOB 4,964 million, which reflects a growth of 26.8% in collection compared to the same period in 2021. 


Source: Economy

The decrease in international reserves puts the value of the Bolivian currency at risk 

 August 10, 2022

Although the last devaluation of the boliviano was on November 2nd, 2011, the constant fall of the Net International Reserves (NIR) puts the value of the Bolivian currency at risk. According to the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB), the NIRs, as of December 2018, totaled USD 8.9 billion, and as of July 22nd, 2022, they fell to USD 4.3 billion. According to various Bolivian analysts, this could play against and generate problems for the current price of the boliviano. The Bolivian economist, Jaime Dunn, stressed that the NIRs represent Bolivia's savings. At the same time, it is the guarantee, in terms of value, for the national currency. 


Source: El Deber

Bolivia's second urea plant will cost USD 1,295 million, 35% more than the first 

 August 10, 2022

The Bolivian State's company, Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB), indicated that the country's second ammonia and urea plant would require an investment of around USD 1,295, which is 35% more than the investment needed for the first plant with a cost of USD 960 million. The plant would become the most significant investment in Bolivia's history and require about 18% of the country's current gas demand. After completion, the plant could produce fertilizers and petrochemical products and would have the capacity to produce between 2,100 and 4,000 tons per day. 


Source: El Deber

The Boliviano is one of the currencies that has not depreciated sharply against the dollar

 August 09, 2022

Among the Latin American countries that are safe from the generalized devaluation in the region are Bolivia, Peru, and Brazil. However, unlike Brazil, Bolivia is not supported by a trade surplus with large amounts of exports. According to José Espinoza, the former Director of the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB), "a large part of the liabilities of the country's financial system are classified in Bolivianos. Therefore, a devaluation now would be of little use to many of the financial system's actors, and private market agents are committed to maintaining the exchange rate."


Source: Bloomberg en Linea

Arce meets with Boric and Fernández with an agenda focused on the economy

 August 09, 2022

Bolivia's President Luis Arce traveled to Colombia over the weekend to attend the inauguration of Colombian President Gustavo Petro. During the trip, President Arce held bilateral meetings with the President of Chile, Gabriel Boric, and the President of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, to discuss issues related to transportation, trade, energy, and mining. After the meetings with Boric, President Arce said, "We will promote procedures to make free transit more agile, strengthen trade through the Port of Arica and fight smuggling and human trafficking together."


Source: El Deber

Petrobras signs a modification to the gas export contract signed with YPFB 

 August 08, 2022

The Brazilian company, Petrobras, signed a new modification of the contract to purchase natural gas with Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB). The document takes into account Bolivia's availability of energy. The signed modification refers to the profile of YPFB's delivery commitments of the volumes of gas contracted by Petrobras, based on YPFB's current availability and the contracts entered into by it with other agents in the gas market. In addition, the modification provides for the maintenance of the maximum contracted volume of 20 MMm3/day, with flexible delivery and reception depending on seasonality and supply availability.   


Source: El Deber

Bolivia’s accumulated inflation rate up to July is 1.58% 

 August 08, 2022

According to the National Institute of Statistics (INE), Bolivia’s accumulated inflation rate up to July 2022 was 1.58%, while the accumulated Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the same period in 2021 was 0.44%. Regarding July, the monthly inflation rate was 0.39%, while it was 0.15% last year. According to the INE’s data, the products and services that became more expensive in July were chicken meat, interdepartmental transportation by bus, laundry detergent, onions, potatoes, and carrots. 


Source: Money

Tax collection grew by 22.3% up to July 2022 

 August 05, 2022

According to the President of the National Tax Service (SIN), Mario Cazón, Bolivia’s tax collection grew by 22.3%, between January and July 2022, compared to the same period last year, thanks to the government’s measures to boost domestic demand and reactivate the Bolivian economy. This figure implies that up to the seventh month of this year, IM collection reached USD 3,105 million (BOB 21,326.5 million), and in the same period of 2021, USD 2,539 million (BOB 17,444.4 million), with a positive variation of 22.3%.         


Source: Economy

Bolivia’s exports grew by 38% in the first half of the year 

 August 05, 2022

The National Institute of Statistics (INE) indicated that in the first half of 2022, Bolivia had exported USD 7,012 million, an increase of 38% compared to the same period of the previous year. According to the INE, this increase in exports was due to the increase in agricultural, livestock, hunting, forestry, and fishing activities in the country (105.8%); hydrocarbon extraction (34.3%); mineral extraction (22.0%), and the manufacturing industry (43.3%). 


Source: Economy

Lithium Carbonate Industrial Plant faces fourth delay

 August 04, 2022

Bolivia's Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy, Franklin Molina, announced that there was a delay in the beginning of operations of the Lithium Carbonate Industrial Plant due to a problem in the completion of the water treatment plant. According to the Minister, the project will be extended until June 2023. For its part, the State's company, Yacimientos del Litio Bolivianos (YLB), indicated on several occasions that tests have already begun at the complex; however, it pointed out, "The tests, start-up, and industrial operation of the Lithium Carbonate Plant depend on the conclusion of the Water Treatment Plant." 


Source: El Deber

Fuel imports exceed gas exports for the third consecutive month 

 August 04, 2022

According to reports from the National Institute of Statistics, since April of this year, the value of diesel and gasoline imports has exceeded the value of Bolivia's natural gas exports. Likewise, they confirmed the decline of the country's oil fields and the lower production level of liquid hydrocarbons. In this regard, fuel imports totaled USD 1,772.5 million from January to June, while external gas sales accumulated USD 1,428.1 million. During the first case, they increased by 143.1% compared to the same period in 2021, while in the second case, they grew by 35.4%.  


Source: El Deber


Challenges phase begins in the selection process for the country's Comptroller General 

 August 3, 2022

The President of the Chamber of Deputies, Freddy Mamani Laura, announced that the commission in charge of the selection process of applicants for the position of Comptroller General of the State resumed its activities as of the last day of the challenges phase. At a press conference, Mamani reported on the resumption of legislative work in the ALP, giving continuity to one of the pending tasks, selecting a new head of the Comptroller General's Office. "We are back, and the mixed commission is restarting the work on this issue of the call to institutionalize the position of Comptroller General of the State; in that sense, we are now in the eighth phase, referring to the challenges," said Mamani. 


Source: El Diario

YPFB will build a second urea plant to meet demands from neighboring countries

 August 3, 2022

The Bolivian State's company, Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB), announced the construction of a second urea plant to meet the demands of neighboring countries. In this regard, the company stated that "Peru, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay have requested urea from us. Even countries further north, Panama, Ecuador, and Colombia have also requested the product since our urea plant is one of the plants with the best technology in Latin America, making the product highly demanded." Thus, the President of YPFB, Armin Dorgathen, pointed out that in the first half of the year, the State's company had revenues of approximately USD 160 million.


Source: Economy

Anapo forecasts a 39% reduction in wheat harvest yield by the end of 2022 compared to 2019

 August 2, 2022

According to the Association of Oilseed and Wheat Producers (ANAPO), this year, there will be a 39% reduction in the wheat harvest yield due to climatic effects, mainly drought. “Due to the drought, crop yields have been gradually reduced, which means less wheat is harvested per hectare, and the cereal supply for the national market is reduced. In 2020, the harvest yield was 1.97 tons per hectare, while in 2021, only 1.44 tons were achieved. This year, it is projected that there will be a yield of close to between 1 and 1.2 tons per hectare,” the association reported in a statement.


Source: La Razón

Bolivia plans to receive USD 3,000 million for gas sales and USD 100 million for LPG

 August 2, 2022

The President of Bolivian Fiscal Oilfields (YPFB), Armin Dorgathen, announced that at the end of 2022, the country would receive nearly USD 3,000 million from natural gas exports and USD 100 million from the sales of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). In this sense, Dorgathen pointed out that the increase in income from gas exports is due to the rise in raw materials in the international market. In addition, he indicated that in the first half of the year, the country generated around USD 1,400 million from exporting natural gas.


Source: Economy

Argentina and Bolivia to begin work on applying nuclear energy in agriculture, industry, and mining

 August 1, 2022

Bolivia and Argentina decided to develop scientific, technical, and academic collaboration activities to use nuclear energy in the areas of health, agriculture, industry, and mining, among others. This decision materialized in the signing of a Cooperation Agreement between the state-owned Bolivian Nuclear Energy Agency (ABEN) and the National Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA). The agreement establishes that both entities may develop inter-institutional activities in the areas of basic and applied research, human resources training, and nuclear technology applications. The Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy, Franklin Molina, pointed out that the agreement aims to use this technology to strengthen Bolivia’s agricultural production. 


Source: El Deber

Lithium plant has been delayed for three years

 August 1, 2022

According to public documents and different statements, the Lithium Carbonate Industrial Plant construction, which an association of Chinese companies is carrying out for USD 101 million, is three years behind schedule. In this sense, analysts have warned that there is an economic opportunity cost of losing the opportunity to sell lithium carbonate at today's high prices. Meanwhile, YLB reported that the plant is at least 87% complete and will be ready by the end of this year.


Source: Los Tiempos

The Andean Community demands that Bolivia lift restrictions on Peru’s agricultural imports 

 July 28, 2022

According to Peru’s Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur), the General Secretariat of the Andean Community (SGCAN) ruled in favor of the country by qualifying the measures that Bolivia has been imposing on exports of vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, onions, carrots, avocados, lemons, grapes, and cherimoyas) from Peru, as restrictive. Last December 2021, Mincetur requested that the Andean Community initiate an investigation in response to the request by Peruvian producers and exporters, requiring that the regional body rule in its favor on the restrictive measures imposed by the Bolivian government. 


Source: El Deber

Bolivia's Net International Reserves have fallen by 11% so far in 2022

 July 28, 2022

According to data from the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB), the country's Net International Reserves (RIN) continue to decline. In detail, between January and July 2022, Bolivia's NIRs have fallen by 11.2%, from USD 4,752 million to USD 4,219 million. For his part, the Minister of Economy and Public Finance, Marcelo Montenegro, defended the robustness of the NIRs and maintained, "our level of reserves currently provide for more than four or five months of imports; the first thing to consider." In this sense, international standards indicate that international reserves must cover three months of imports.


Source: La Razon

Chile and Argentina want to meet with Bolivia to manage joint lithium production projects 

 July 27, 2022

Chile and Argentina announced a future trilateral meeting with Bolivia to advance toward joint lithium production projects. According to what was stated by the Trans-Andean Ministry of Relations, the idea is to develop a "common governance strategy." 


Source: El Deber

Mamani rules out moving the Census forward to 2023  

 July 27, 2022

The President of the Chamber of Deputies, Freddy Mamani, ruled out the possibility of carrying out the National Population and Housing Census in 2023 due to the rescheduling of the Census by the members of the National Council of Autonomies (CNA). 


Source: El Diario

The Bolivian government seeks to energize hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation 

 July 15, 2022

Bolivia’s Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy, Franklin Molina, reported that five draft authorization requests for five new Petroleum Services Contracts (CSP) were submitted to the Legislative Branch, which aims to advance in the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons in the Santa Cruz, Chuquisaca, and Tarija regions. According to Minister Molina, developing the projects would allow the areas to generate around USD 1,700 million in oil income. In this sense, the projects are part of the Upstream Reactivation Plan of the State’s company, Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB). 


Source: Ahora El Pueblo

Bolivia reinforces controls on the border with Argentina to stop smuggling 

 July 15, 2022

Faced with the fall of the Argentine peso, the prices of products have dropped and entered the national market. Given this, the National Customs, in coordination with the State’s institutions, reinforced controls on the border between Bolivia and Argentina. The devaluation of the Argentine currency will imply an increase in smuggling into Bolivian territory since the prices of products fell, and every day that passes by, the value changes, and therefore the merchants of the neighboring country have begun to accumulate them. Given this situation, the Tarijeño market has been affected, and the producers of wines, singani, and grapes feel the effects of smuggling because the national situation is not stable either. 


Source: El Diario

YPFB paid USD 520 million in taxes during the first half of 2022

 July 14, 2022

The Bolivian state-owned company, Yacimientos Petrolíferes Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB), reported that in the first half of the year, it had paid around BOB 3,582 million in taxes (USD 520 million).


Source: La Razón

Using trains could optimize the logistics for lithium exports 

 July 14, 2022

According to the international consultant on lithium issues, José de Castro, using trains is the ideal way to optimize the logistics for transporting lithium carbonate and sodium carbonate to global markets since it significantly improves transport costs, reduces CO2 pollution, and contributes to the fulfillment of itineraries, among other advantages.


Source: La Razón


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